It's Time To Put An End To The Broken Record In 2017: Meet Author Desh Dixon

It's Time To Put An End To The Broken Record In 2017: Meet Author Desh Dixon
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It's surprising how many persons go through life without ever recognizing that their feelings toward other people are largely determined by their feelings toward themselves, and if you're not comfortable within yourself, you can't be comfortable with others." ~Sydney J. Harris

What is the story, song or beat you keep playing in your head about your life. I believe in order for us to truly enjoy our lives we must make a conscious to know ourselves. Self awareness, self love and self acceptance is a powerful tool and a goal we should all strive for.

Meet Desh Dixon.

Who is Desh Dixon?

A: Radesha “Desh” Dixon is an author, poet, speaker and model. She has the intention of becoming the highest expression of herself and using her gifts to help positively change the world. She is a woman on a mission to empower women not to settle and put themselves first. Through books, seminars, speaking, poetry, and any other God-given talents yet undiscovered, Desh plans to leave a legacy that would be noted for authenticity, positivity, encouragement, inspiration, and enlightenment - another phenomenally, phenomenal woman.

Talk about one of the pivotal moments in your life that gave you strength and tell us how did you find that strength?

A: Fainting briefly on a job and getting carried off on a stretcher is something I couldn’t even fathom happening to me. You see stuff like that happen in movies. I guess my soul just had its moment. With all of the emotions I was going through at the time, I’m not shocked now looking back that it happened. I was thankful that I was alive and it wasn’t more serious than that. That was a wakeup call. I relied on God to help me get through. I’ve always had meditations and affirmations that I listen to in my Mp3 and those helped as well. I realized I needed to take some time off and get back to myself.

Tell us about your book?

A: My book is ‘No More Broken Records: 5 Tips To Change Your Tune and Transform Your Life’. It’s a book to encourage and inspire women to stop sounding like a broken record and break the cycle. Far too often women settle. I believe that we have been conditioned and programmed to. Women deserve the best. We’re queens. While the principles can apply to both men and women, the book is written for women. I provide practical tips for women to start changing their tune and transforming their lives.

What inspired you to write the book and share your story?

A: I am a writer. Writing has always been a creative outlet for me. I knew from a very young age that I would grow up and become a writer/author at some point. Some years ago, I was in a job that I had outgrown and a relationship that I had outgrown. We grew apart, just had different life visions. I was really unhappy and unfulfilled at that time. My unhappiness manifested in other areas of my life. I kept complaining about how I was feeling to my mother, at one point, every two weeks if not every week. She just flat out said to me that I sounded like a broken record. That phrase stuck with me. I immediately went to my computer and typed up the name of my book. I found myself asking myself why we (women) sound like a broken record all the time when it’s typically something in our control. Not just in relationships but in life in general.

Based on my experiences and what I learned, I wanted to share that with women in hopes of inspiring and empowering them to break the repeated cycles like a broken record. For them to take control of their lives, get back on track to their goals and dreams and stop settling.

What is the message we can hear you shouting or whispering from the mountaintop to those on the climb?

A: Stop settling for less than you deserve. You’re a Queen. Queens don’t settle. Put yourself first. It’s not selfish! You have to take care of yourself first so you can then take care of others. Increase your self-love. Give to yourself. Get back to the goals and dreams you’ve always had. Make YOU a priority.

What is your favorite quote and why?

A: I don’t have a favorite quote because there’s too many that I like. One quote that I will mention is one from Marianne Williamson because I have to remind myself at times. It’s the part of the quote that I tend to think of. “You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.”

You have such a unique signature style how did you embrace your uniqueness?

A: Understanding that it’s okay to be different. I think we all have tried to fit in and at some point have been afraid to be ourselves. So through my own self-awareness, I’ve come to figure out what I like and what makes me feel good. I embrace it. I embrace ME. Authentically me. There’s no one like me. That alone makes my style unique. (Ha, that kinda rhymes)!

What does Activate mean to you?

A: Lifting off. Activating. Firing up. So activating and firing up the greatness within you and releasing it. Taking action, being in motion. Moving past fear.

Who would you like to sit down and have lunch with (dead or alive and why?)

A: Iyanla Vanzant. It was always Oprah since she’s on my vision board too but I would like to sit down with Iyanla. When I see how she is helping to try and fix the ‘brokenness’ amongst so many of us, it inspires me because I can see myself growing and doing the same thing on that level. I know I am manifesting working with her, Oprah, and other like-minded influencers in one way or the other.

What's next for you and your brand?

A: Continuing to build my No More Broken Records™ brand. Increasing visibility, more exposure, having more events, writing more books, and expanding the product lines are all in my plans. Continuing to grow. Rather than worrying about perfection as I have in the past, just building the plane as I fly.

Leave us with one last piece of advice.

A: Don’t settle. You’re worthy and deserving of all your hearts desires – your dream relationship, your dream career, your dream house, etc. You’re enough right here right now. You have what it takes. Perfection doesn’t exist. Your life matters. Your dreams matter. YOU matter.

Connect with Author of "No More Broken Records: 5 Tips To Change Your Tune and Transform Your Life" Available on Amazon!

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