John Kerry's Summit

I understand why Bush has no plan for Iraq. But why is John Kerry so stuck?
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I understand why Bush has no plan for Iraq -- he's stuck in a persona of perseverance within a troika of dominant personalities of limited and corrupt ideology. But why is John Kerry so stuck? He's had 2 years to retool his ideas, and he's only thought of retooling his personality. And what emerged on This Week with George Stephanopoulos a few weeks ago to my increasing frustration bordering on rage with the same personality and the same ideas that lost the last election as he prepares to run again. The same arrogant know-it-all smirk, accompanied the same feeble plan that seems utterly insane right now, the only one that actually makes Bush's tragic one seem rational.

This is what he recommended, as though it were self-evident: That we withdraw a la Murtha's plan, but first convene a SUMMIT meeting with ALL THE INTERESTED PARTIES! Calling all Shiites! Calling Iran!! Calling Sunni insurgents! Calling Syria!! Calling Al Qaeda! Calling Former Allies! Calling Italy! Calling all Death Squads! Militias! Hamas! Let's come Talk with John Kerry. Then we'll withdraw. Great plan John. You're my guy.

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