LIFE 101: When Life Gives You Lemons, Make A Gin And Tonic

LIFE 101: When Life Gives You Lemons, Make A Gin & Tonic
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With sour experiences and high hurdles come humbling life lessons. I’ve been through my fair share of love, hate, confusion, saying “yes” that should be “no”, feeling low, feeling high and everything in between. And in retrospect, I am most thankful for these lemons life rudely threw my way because I made one hell of a gin and tonic to keep me dancing through life’s every move.

Grab a glass. Let’s talk...

1. It's okay not to be okay - We’ve all felt disconnected from positive thoughts and feelings at one point in our lives, or maybe many. But that's okay. Take the time to grieve whatever it is that has brought you down, and attend to your mental health. Remember that everything will be okay and things will only improve if your way of thinking does.

2. Self care comes before anything else - Put yourself first. Always. You are the only one that can make you happy. Whether it takes a solo date to the spa, or an extra hour in bed - make yourself feel good and be in tune with your emotions. Self care is the path to self-love. You're on the right track.

3. Be nice to yourself - Be your own best friend and cut yourself some slack. You're not stupid when you mess up. You're not perfect and that's okay. You are what you tell yourself. YOU ARE THE BEST YOU.

4. Recognize small achievements - They are integral to the bigger goal. Take a moment of self-reflection and recognition, and be your own biggest fan. Be happy for yourself and recognize that these small achievements make up the bigger picture; the ultimate goal.

5. Don't dwell on the past - It keeps you from improving the future. You can't go back in time and change it. Everything happens for a reason and there is never an obstacle you cannot beat. Evaluate the situation, learn from it and improve yourself. Take responsibility for your actions and recognize that these past situations and experiences will only make you better in the future. Remember, life doesn't get easier. You just get stronger.

6. Forgiveness will set you free - Now, don't be naive and "forgive and forget". You know better than that. NEVER FORGET. You saw that person's true colours for a reason. But, what you can do is come to terms with the current situation and move on. Holding grudges against a person only breeds negativity and hatred. It's more exhausting to hate someone than be cordial. Spread the love, whether they are deserving of it or not, and forgive. Forgiveness is more for yourself than it is the other person.

7. Don't silence your passion - Your passion is YELLING at you for a reason. Listen to it. Even if you believe you aren't skilled enough, work at it because it makes you feel good. Again, no one is perfect, but practice definitely makes you better. Passion is what will keep you up until the middle of the night and make you feel good about it in the morning. Success is waking up, loving yourself, and loving what it is you do.

8. Make space to be imperfect - No one is perfect. Although social media tries to tell you they are.. Give yourself space to try new things and see what works for you. Discover your dislikes and what you need to improve on. Whether it is your character or your work ethic, strive to be better.

9. NEVER expect - The worst feeling is expecting someone to do something for you, and it not meeting your expectations. Be self-sufficient and rely on yourself, because no one but you will get the job done.How good does it feel to know you got your own back?

10. Don't let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game - You'll never see results if you don't try. Think about all of the opportunities you will pass up due to fear. The scariest part is taking the plunge, but once you do, you'll never regret it. And, there is never failure in trying because next time you do it, you will only be better.

Cheers to becoming better versions of ourselves and living a life we are happy to live. This is all noteworthy.


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