10 Tips To Accomplish Your 2017 Fitness Goals

10 Tips To Accomplish Your 2017 Fitness Goals
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New Year, New You!

“This is the year that I lose all the weight!”

“This year, I’m definitely getting in shape. I’ve already signed up for the gym and I’ve bought my outfits to help me feel great to hit the gym.”

Does any of the above statements sound like you?

How many times have you made these New Year Resolutions? What was the outcome in previous years?

Now, I’m not saying that setting goals for the New Year isn’t important. A New Year symbolizes a new start. Wiping the slate clean and starting over. It’s a time to reflect on the previous year, and set goals for the upcoming year to improve on your life, which of course includes your health and fitness.

To ensure that this is the year that you actually accomplish these goals, I would like to share these 10 tips with you:

1. Be As Specific As Possible With Your Goals

The more specific you are with your goals, the greater your chance of succeeding will be. Have a precise goal and a course of action to accomplish it. For example, “to tone and get in shape” differs from “to lose 2 inches from my waist”. Be specific as this will increase your chance of success.

2. Be Consistent

Consistency to lose weight is important! You have to be consistent in your clean eating and training habits for you to achieve your goals. You can’t perform 10 squats once every 2 weeks or have 1 clean meal and expect to see much change, if any at all, in your derriere. You have to keep at it if being successful is important to you.

3. Drink A Lot Of Water

Water helps to promote weight loss by keeping you full and reducing your hunger (it’s a natural appetite suppressant). It also helps to rid your body of toxins. You should aim to drink at least 2 litres per day.

4. Plan Your Exercise Routine

Before you enter the gym you should have a specific plan of what exercises you’ll be performing. This plan should also allow for modifications just in case a machine, equipment or area is being used. Without a plan, you’ll simply be wasting your time and achieve nothing.

5. Eat Before And After Your Training Sessions

Training on an empty stomach is never a good idea. Your body needs food for fuel and energy to get you through your workout. Have something to eat at least an hour before your training. Aim to eat within 90 minutes of your training session to replenish what you’ve just used during your training session.

6. Plan And Prepare Your Meals Ahead of Time

“Failure to plan is a plan to fail”. To succeed this year in your health and fitness goals, you must eat clean. Clean eating entails planning your meals, going grocery shopping (not on an empty stomach), and preparing your meals. That way you know exactly what is in your meals and you have more control over portion sizes.

7. Perform High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) Workouts

HIIT allows you to burn more calories while working out for less time. This style of training has been proven to continue to burn calories up to 48 hours after yohttps://img.huffingtonpost.com/asset/scaleFit_590_noupscale/586d1f711500001600e9e5f3.jpegu’ve completion. Here’s a quick HIIT routine that you can perform anywhere using only your body weight. 10 Burpees, 20 Mountain Climbers, 10 Squats, 10 Push Ups, repeat 3 times. :)

8. Lift Weights

Yes, even if you’re a female you should still lift weights. No, you will not look “bulky” or like a man, instead, your metabolism will speed up which will help you to burn more calories during and after your workout!

9. Reduce Your Sugar Intake

Run as fast and as far as you can from added sugar. Sure, they may taste yummy, but this culprit just sits on your gutt and sabotage your 2017 weight loss goal. This means walking pass the soda, chocolate and donut.

10. Sign Up For An Online Training Program

Online training offers you the flexibility of training in the comfort of your home or hotel room at your convenience. With the proper guidance an online training program can yield the same results as a personal trainer in the gym.

So there you have it, some tips to make sure that 2017 is the year that you finally accomplish your health and fitness goal.

If you found these tips helpful, please feel free to share these with your friends. Also, if you have any tips of your own that you would love to share, please share with us.

Happy New Year!

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