Dallas Morning News Endorses Chet Edwards For Congress

Dallas Morning News Endorses Chet Edwards For Congress
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Touting his experience, reliability and bipartisan mindset, The Dallas Morning News "unreservedly" endorsed Chet Edwards for Texas' 17th Congressional District race on Thursday.

The Democratic incumbent is running a close race against Republican contender Bill Flores.

The DMN, which supported John McCain in the 2008 presidential election, deems ridiculous many claims Flores has made, including allegations that Edwards belongs to a gang of political figures pushing America down a socialist path. "Calling Edwards a socialist is as silly as calling Ronald Reagan a liberal," the paper said.

The editorial states that Flores, a retired energy executive from Bryan, Tex., doesn't have the bipartisan attitude necessary to attack the challenges facing the country. In their view, Edwards offers "real-world answers" that encompass all aspects of a policy in need of change, including immigration reforms.

"Washington needs Edwards' independence in Congress, where partisanship will remain a paralyzing force without enough people who think for themselves and work across party lines. Flores would not provide similar leadership and instead offers partisan rallying cries over specific solutions."

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