Resolutions All Year Round

Resolutions All Year Round
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Every year, when the year is coming to a close and a new beginning is upon us, people make their New Year’s resolutions, promises they've made to themselves that they would fulfill for or before this new year arrives. I think it’s important to have these resolutions throughout the year and continue to make new ones every year. With a new year comes a new you, less negativity, more love, more focus, and less drama. With all of these improvements we hope to make in the new year, meaningless relationships and friendships must fall to the wayside. You must recognize that people are like balloons. Some balloons you can hold on to forever, and others you must learn to let go of. Anyone who wants to be in your life actively, will be there. That goes for family, friends, and significant others. You should know your worth and those close to you should always lift you up, inspire you, motivate you, and most importantly love you. You should never convince someone or persuade someone to stay in your life. No reminder should ever be given because they should know you are a blessing in their life. When people mistreat you or show and give you reasons to question their love or loyalty towards them, your intuition has already told you to remove them from your life. People always deserve a few chances to clean up their messes and right their wrongs, but never be a doormat for anyones love or friendship. The value you have for yourself is the value you have for others. How you treat others is only a reflection of you and how you allow others to treat you is also a reflection of you. Those who love you, you will feel it without any words. People always tell on themselves, so make sure you listen and don’t be so naive. People deserve chances to do right by you, but chances expire. Though it may be hard to end some relationships over others, putting the love you have for you first is always your number one priority. No one will love you the way you love yourself. No matter the situation, you will always love those people but you can love them from afar and pray for their growth. Sometimes it takes an entire year to see that some of the relationships you have aren't healthy ones. Before the new year arrives, reflect on the past 365 days and start cleaning house now. End those faulty relationships, find a new job, start on that business venture you've been talking about all year, ask for that raise, start a new hobby, and most importantly, put yourself first and continue practicing love, peace, and positivity to yourself and to others. For the new year, I hope you let go of those who do not love you in return. Stop holding on to dead love.

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