The Plea for LGBTQ+ Rights in 2018

The Plea for LGBTQ+ Rights in 2018
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Many of you should know that the Trump Administration is not so gay friendly despite what Trump has to say and here are the reasons why he is lying to protect us.

2017 Look Back

On January 21, 2017 - Trumps first day in office and removes LGBT+ page from White House website.

On February 22, 2017 - the Trump administration pulled protections that were in place by the Obama administration for transgender students to use facilities that corresponds with their gender identity across the country.

On March 20, 2017 - Department of Health and Human Services has shut down department’s effort to collect data on elderly LGBT+ Americans.

On March 27, 2017 - Trump signed an executive order that withheld requirements for federal contractors complied with labor and civil rights laws to forbid discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

On March 28, 2017 - LGBT+ Americans are removed from the Census Bureau's road map for 2020. The USA Government is not collecting data on the LGBT+ Community so there will be no national count of gay, bisexual, or transgender Americans. The agency itself said it has no desire to collect the data...

On April 4, 2017 - Justice and Labor Departments cancels quarterly conference calls with LGBT organizations despite happening for years.

On April 14, 2017 - Justice Department abandoned the lawsuit challenging North Carolina’s anti-trans law known as HB2. The law was later replaced with another anti-trans law that is known as HB 2.0.

On May 2, 2017 - Department of Health and Human Services announces plan to roll back regulations interpreting the Affordable Care Act’s nondiscrimination provisions to protect transgender Americans.

On June 14, 2017 - Department of Education withdrew the finding of an Ohio School District that discriminated against a transgender girl. The department gave no explanation.

On July 26, 2017 - Justice Department filed brief on behalf of the USA in the U.S. Court of Appeals for a second circuit arguing that the 1964 Civil Rights Act does not prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and/or gender identity.

On July 26, 2017 - Trump announces on Twitter that the United States Government will not accept or allow transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military.

On August 25, 2017 - Trump released memo directing the Defense Department to move forward with developing a plan to discharge current transgender military service members and to maintain a ban on recruiting transgender individuals.

On September 7, 2017 - Justice Department filed legal brief on behalf of the USA in the U.S. Supreme Court arguing that businesses have a constitutional right to discriminate sexual orientations and/or gender identity.

On October 5, 2017 - Justice Department released memo instructing Department of Justice attorneys to take legal position that federal law does not protect transgender workers from discrimination in the workplace.

On October 6, 2017 - Justice Department releases license to discriminate that allows federal agencies, government contractors, government grantees, and even private businesses to engage in illegal discrimination as long as they can site religious reasons for doing so.

On December 14, 2017 - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is instructed to not use the words transgender, vulnerable, entitlement, diversity, fetus, evidence-based, and science-based in official documents.


It is very sad to say that what is listed above, is not every single anti-LGBT action that the Trump Administration has made since Trump took office. All LGBT+ Americans, people, want the freedom to express their sexuality. If you see two dudes kissing or holding hands...they aren’t disturbing you. They are showing love. If two girls are kissing or holding hands...they aren’t disturbing you. They are showing love. But you know what is disturbing? All the hatred and violence that has occurred since Trump won the election and even during his campaign that was fueled by hatred, cruelty, and violence towards specific groups including the LGBT+ Community. What we want in 2018 is for the target to come off our backs.

We don’t want to take away your love, why take ours away just for keeping your feelings in hand?

Stop taking our rights away as if we don’t matter. We do matter just like every single human being on this Earth. Despite your religious beliefs, you should love people as what they are. People trying to change us, erase us, and prevent is only going to make the fight for our freedom worth so much more than what it already is. Spread love, kindness, and acceptance. That is what we all need for 2018!

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