Trump Intends To Cut Veterans Benefits

Trump Intends to Cut Veterans Benefits
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The POS Don president Intends to Cut Vital Veteran Awards and Benefits

It should not surprise any Vet that our POS Don president is not a friend of Veterans. Shame on you if you voted for him and you’re a combat Veteran. Remember Trump is the POS who ducked Vietnam claiming the bone spurs in his tiny feet would hurt if he had to wear those heavy uncomfortable combat boots. Of course that was all a lie but good enough to make someone else, some guy with not as much money because that’s how it was in Vietnam, to get wounded or killed in his place. And now the POS, of course, is the Commander-in-Chief and is now intent on taking away our combat induced injury related benefits.

He has done nothing for Veterans since in Office except to bring harm. He wants to dismantle our VA. He has no intention of giving pay raises or increasing benefits. He only intends to give other fat cats, like himself, big tax breaks and he is going to do that by taking away benefits that our brave warriors nearly died for in defense of our country. So there is no doubt Trump intends to hurt our Wounded Warriors, I have included the DAV’s latest newsletter explaining what the POS is trying to sneak-in without much notice. It made the DAV to begin with the following urgent message:

“Over the past several weeks, DAV has received hundreds of inquiries from DAV members and other concerned parties regarding the proposal to eliminate the total disability rating based on Individual Unemployability (IU) benefits for veterans over the age of 62 contained in the President’s fiscal year 2018 budget. Specifically, the proposal would terminate existing IU total disability ratings for veterans when they reach the minimum retirement age for Social Security purposes (age 62), or upon enactment of the proposal if the veteran is already in receipt of Social Security retirement benefits. In the May 24 House Veterans’ Affairs Committee budget hearing, DAV expressed its strong opposition to this proposal. We are aware that the elimination of these benefits would affect not only the veteran’s family income, but other critical ancillary benefits, such as dental coverage, Survivors’ and Dependents’ Educational Assistance, the Civilian Health and Medical Program of the VA (CHAMPVA), commissary and exchange privileges, and the value of Social Security benefits. Additionally, this will impact access to some state benefits such as property tax exemptions for veteran homeowners, free vehicle registration and free access to state parks.”

That’s it in a nutshell for all to read ― and now tell me the man we call President is not a total POS! We’re talking about Purple Heart recipients and individuals who have lost limbs along with some of their senses will no longer be honored guests in our National Parks with their pre-paid, that’s right pre-paid admission! They paid the price in a far off rice paddy or in a blown up town in the middle East, and it now appears the admission ticket is no longer valid because war injuries no longer mean anything, that is, I guess to the Draft Dodging Cowardly POS who sits in the White House.

A Special message to General’s Mattis and Kelly from a former Marine Vietnam Combat Veteran and proud member of the 4th Marines; the most Decorated Infantry Regiment of the Vietnam War producing eleven Medal of Honor Recipients, ten Marines and one Navy Corpsman –WTF !

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