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Writing the Blockbuster Novel Revised and Updated by Albert Zuckerman, a veteran literary agent who works with the greats, explains in detail how to do just that. Not intended for beginner writers, it is a solid and helpful guide for professional writers which offers practical insight on everything from setting, plot strands, revision and outlining and more. Zuckerman gives a thorough comparison and in-depth analysis using five blockbuster winners, Gone With the Wind, The Thorn Birds, The Godfather, The Man from St Petersburg, and Garden of Lies to show you how it’s possible.

Writing the Blockbuster Novel did exactly what I’d hoped: Inspired, provided a treasure trove of insight, and helped kick me in the butt to begin an outline, which I unequivocally, absolutely detest. So I am adding a tag line to this wonderful writer’s guide; ‘Tear Free’.

Stephen King’s On Writing, A Memoir of the Craft is an oldie. A gem I wish I’d picked up sooner. It’s a brave, empowering book not only for writers, but for anyone thinking about crafting a story, and for those struggling to put theirs on paper. King offers part class, part memoir to give you the perfect writer’s toolbox.

I bawled like a baby when I finished King’s chapter ON LIVING: A POSTSCRIPT, and then picked up my pen and wrote what I felt was a damn near perfect beginning and my very best in my latest, The Washed Light Off Ebenezer Road. My literary agent agreed.

If you are needing some inspiration and guidance to kick-start your writer’s week, pick up these two greats by Uncle Al and Uncle Stevie.

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