We Will Be Stronger Together

We Will Be Stronger Together
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The world feels very different today. It's like I woke up on the other side of a black hole, an alternative reality. But now is not the time to throw the towel and get desperate. It's not the time to get even more divided. It's time to come together, whatever that means.

Elections are hard, this one was gruesome, and it took a toll on all of us no matter who you supported. It tested longtime friendships, broke up some, made us hate some family members, but also brought some long lost friendships together and started new ones. We saw the good and the very ugly sides of people. We had so many intense emotions that some of us might have even developed PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder).

It will be OK. I know it's very hard to believe today, but it will be OK. We have to trust it will. We can't allow this defeat to ruin our faith in humanity, and our love for our country. We have to hope for success without forgetting our values and what we fought for yesterday.

We need to stay sane and focused so we can parent in adversity, so we can friend in adversity, so we can protect our minorities and keep giving them a voice. We have to stay strong for them; they will need us more than ever now. We need our sanity so we can fight for what is right and what is fair.

We have got to keep fighting and preparing to someday shatter that glass ceiling. It's not a matter of if anymore, it's just a matter of when. It will happen in our lifetime.

We should never forget that we are STRONGER TOGETHER!

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