What Is Your End Goal?

What Is Your End Goal?
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To succeed, you must have a goal.

You have set a resolution, you have bought a gym membership, you have decided on a new career, you are starting a project - all good but what is your end goal? To succeed, you must have a goal. That goal may change but you have to know at all times what you are working for. What are you working towards?

I use my radio career analogy to explain - I always knew what I was working towards and could adjust actions, networking, etc. to match my end goal - a job at KLOL, a full-time shift at KLOL, a daytime shift, then drive time, and finally a salary comparable to the guys.

It helps to not only have a goal but to verbalize it to others. Mine now? To get The Rock Business first season on the air on a major TV business network. Stay tuned ... in work! So, what is yours?

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