When Fears Start Coming Around, Kick Them In The Butt

When Fears Start Coming Around, Kick Them In The Butt
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Let me shoot straight with you because you and I don’t have a lot of time to goof around.

Every single day, especially since I’ve fully ensconced myself in this entrepreneurial journey, those loud voices of doubt have hit me like a chair shot.

“Go back to the night job” or “You can’t do this” are just some of the inner dialogue pieces which hamper my progress.

Lord knows, I’ve read and heard enough from people about mindset. I even ran across a book while at a local bookstore with “Mindset” as its title.

This is ridiculous and silly. I am a copywriter and writer, and a damned good one at that, too.

I definitely have a lot to give businesses and entrepreneurs looking to expand their content.

Hell, just a day ago I finally – finally – identified my niche market…spiritual entrepreneurs. Yes, those women and men who bring different elements of spirituality into their businesses.

So, why the freak show taking place today?

Rent’s due, bills are staring at me…just the usual suspects.

It’s ridiculous.

Yet go back to that night job for not-much-an-hour? I can’t do it. My brain will be short-circuited from where I really want to go.


Blowing my “comfort zone” away has been a great blessing in my life. I’ve reached out and connected with so many high-achieving people in the past 2-3 weeks that it’s incredible. Even one or two of those people have reached out to me. Me? Yeah!

Those times have made me shake my head going, “Hey, don’t you know who you are reaching out to people?”

Here I have this website, writing for large-scale publications, and have worked hard to make my place in the writing and business world.

But the freak show…the freak-out show…is so tiring, so exhausting, and so anti-faith and anti-belief in me and my talents.

Doubts keep me from actually moving forward. I get into paralysis by analysis, spend time procrastinating, and not taking care of my mind, body, and spirit.

Spending hour after hour in front of a laptop without taking care of my own well-being is NOT a solution to this problem.

This simply acerbates the situation far beyond any dose of reality.

Speaking of which, I had this incredible conversation on Sunday afternoon and felt like I had such clarity and purpose for my business and life. It was an absolute blast of a conversation.

Now where is that feeling of clarity and confidence! Well, it is somewhere inside me. I know it is.


What I do know, especially from talking with and observing other high-achieving entrepreneurs and business owners, is that taking action quiets those doubts. They can yank my chain but they cannot bring me totally down.

Why write about doubts? They are within us all. They can take people down dark alleys where no one can truly get out alive.

This also is a cathartic way for me to selfishly get what is in my head out into words and, hopefully, give someone else some hope.

It’s pretty humbling to see myself in this position again. Much like a definition of insanity, which is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result, here I am.

So, what am I willing to do differently than ever before? Stay fully committed to my entrepreneurial journey. Keep learning and listening to those further along the path. Keep taking actions even when every fiber of my soul screams to just sit and freak the hell out.

Breathing helps, too.

Just kick those fears in the butt and move forward. If you need a hand to hold, then reach out and we’ll kick them down together.

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