While Trump Pushes to DACA, He Should Think of My Friends.

While Trump Pushes to DACA, He Should Think of My Friends.
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Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, commonly known as DACA, is a program that allows young kids and adults that were brought into the US by their parents illegally work and pursue education in the United States, and therefore legally earn their citizenship or legal status. The program is currently in a 6 month grace period, before it becomes no longer valid, thanks to the Trump White House. However, President Trump, himself has said recently that he may reconsider that decision if congress does not take action. There are currently between 600,000 - 800,000 people that are in the DACA program, so called “Dreamers”.

These dreamers work, go to school, and live life in a less tense way then their parents knowing that they are somewhat safe and don't have to worry about deportation. The dreamers are taxpaying contributors to our society and nation, and most of all, dreamers are young men and women who have have big dreams for their future. For me, I am lucky enough to be friends with some dreamers. However, you could never tell that they are not “legal”. At my high school, they pursue the same classes and jobs as everyone else, sometimes even more rigorous courses. They go to school during the day, 5 days a week, then they work at night, and on weekends to support their families. They are involved with our community in great levels. Their work ethic is like none other. They are people just like me and every other US citizen I know; they are dreamers.

All dreamers, just like my friends, should be able to contribute to the American marketplace of ideas. In fact, we should be happy to have so many young individuals contributing to our nation. Additionally, turning our backs on young people who have known this country as their one and only home would be a true abomination of the fundamental values and principles that our nation was built on.

Lady Liberty stands tall holding a shining and bright torch with the following words engraved: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free”. If nothing else, these words alone should be enough to convince anyone that the true and basic american values are ones of acceptance and resilience. If president Trump were to follow through and end DACA, the torch that today shines so bright atop the Statue of Liberty would no longer be shining bright, much to the contrary it would lose all its essence and the meaning of the words it displays.

With President Trump ending DACA (and maybe reconsidering it), I want him to think of my friends. My friends sing the same national anthem as me, and pledge allegiance to the same flag as me, so why should they not be able to pursue the same american dream as me?

President Trump, don't put the lives of my friends in jeopardy. Don’t let DACA end, protect it. Protect the right of all to pursue the American dream, no matter what they look like.

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