Cet article fait partie des archives en ligne du HuffPost Québec, qui a fermé ses portes en 2021.

Mort de Michael Brown au Missouri: des centaines de manifestants défilent dans le calme

Manifestation dans le calme au Missouri
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Jeremiah Parker, 4, stands in front of his mother, Shatara Parker, as they attend a protest Wednesday, Aug. 13, 2014, in Ferguson, Mo. Nights of unrest have vied with calls for calm in a St. Louis suburb where Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager was killed by police, while the community is still pressing for answers about the weekend shooting. (AP Photo/Jeff Roberson)

Les rues de la petite ville de Ferguson ont été envahies jeudi, pour une cinquième nuit d'affilée, par des manifestants, qui ont défilé pacifiquement. Des policiers, dont le nouveau responsable des forces de l'ordre, Ron Johnson, qui est noir, se sont joints à la manifestation.

Les manifestations avaient repris jeudi soir à Ferguson, dans le Missouri, quelques heures après que la police d'État eut remplacé la police locale dans la gestion de la crise qui agite la ville depuis la mort du jeune Michael Brown, un Noir de 18 ans abattu par un policier samedi.

Les manifestations avaient tourné à l'émeute au cours des nuits précédentes, poussant le gouverneur du Missouri, Jay Nixon, à confier la charge des opérations à la police d'État dirigée par le capitaine Ron Johnson, originaire de Ferguson.

Ce dernier a indiqué que les policiers avaient reçu l'ordre de ne pas porter de masques à gaz. Il a expliqué, sur CNN, sa présence aux premiers rangs du défilé, parce qu'il était avant tout un être humain et qu'un jeune homme avait perdu la vie.

Un conseiller municipal de la ville, Antonio French, s'est réjoui, dans un tweet, de l'initiative de M. Johnson, soulignant que l'impact de sa présence se faisait déjà sentir.

Des rassemblements contre la brutalité policière ont aussi eu lieu dans une centaine de villes américaines, dont Miami, Détroit et Los Angeles. À New York, un millier de personnes ont marché pacifiquement.

Dernièrement, Ferguson ressemble à une « zone de guerre », avait déploré, plus tôt dans la journée, le gouverneur, promettant que l'ambiance de la ville allait changer.

Décrivant la nouvelle approche de sécurité, M. Nixon a plaidé pour l' « utilisation de la force seulement lorsque cela est nécessaire » et pour la tenue de « manifestations pacifiques ». « J'ai parlé aux membres des communautés locales et ce que les gens veulent, ce sont des rues en paix, a-t-il ajouté. Nous les avons entendus. »

Dans une conférence de presse, il a aussi demandé que soit révélé le nom du policier responsable de la mort de Michael Brown. La police avait décidé de garder l'identité de ce dernier secrète à la suite de menaces de mort proférées à son endroit. Toutefois, selon CNN, l'identité du policier devrait être révélée vendredi.

La police d'État prendra le contrôle de la sécurité de la ville jusqu'à la clôture de l'enquête sur la mort de l'adolescent.

Une gestion de crise critiquée

La décision du gouverneur survient après de nombreuses critiques adressées à la police du comté de St. Louis pour sa gestion des émeutes.

Les policiers lourdement armés ont utilisé des balles de caoutchouc, des gaz lacrymogènes et des canons assourdissants pour contenir les émeutiers. Ils ont arrêté deux journalistes américains du Washington Post et du Huffington Post en pleine rédaction dans un restaurant McDonald's, ce qu'a dénoncé le président américain Barack Obama.

Les journalistes ont rapidement rapporté leur arrestation sur Twitter et ont indiqué qu'ils avaeint été relâchés sans aucune accusation. Wesley Lowery, du Washington Post, affirme que des policiers l'ont plaqué contre une machine distributrice. Son rédacteur en chef, Martin Baron, s'est dit atterré par la conduite des agents impliqués dans cette opération.

Le président Obama demande de la transparence

Le président américain Barack Obama avait demandé plus tôt jeudi aux autorités de Ferguson de faire preuve de « transparence » dans le cadre de leur enquête concernant la mort de Michael Brown.

S'exprimant depuis Martha's Vineyard, où il est en vacances avec sa famille, le président américain a aussi lancé un nouvel appel au calme. Il a dit être convaincu que justice sera rendue.

M. Obama a déclaré qu'il n'y avait aucune excuse pour poser des gestes de violence envers la police, mais a affirmé du même souffle que les forces de l'ordre n'avaient aucune excuse pour utiliser une violence excessive envers les manifestants ni pour mettre en prison des gens qui font leur travail.

Le président Obama a aussi affirmé qu'il faisait confiance au gouverneur du Missouri dans la gestion de cette crise.

Versions contradictoires du drame

Les circonstances entourant la mort du jeune homme demeurent nébuleuses. Dans cette ville où la majorité des résidents sont afro-américains, et où seulement 3 des 53 policiers de la ville le sont aussi, les manifestants accusent les forces de l'ordre de racisme.

La police affirme que le drame est survenu après qu'un agent eut rencontré Michael Brown et un autre homme dans la rue.

Selon les autorités, un des deux hommes aurait agressé le policier et tenté de lui voler son arme. La police n'a toutefois pas confirmé si Michael Brown était celui qui aurait agressé l'agent.

Mais, selon un témoin, Michael Brown n'aurait pas eu d'altercation avec le policier, avant d'être atteint de plusieurs projectiles à la poitrine et à la tête.

Lors d'une entrevue au réseau CNN, un autre témoin, Tiffany Mitchell, raconte que le policier, qui était dans son véhicule, a tenté de retenir le jeune à travers la vitre. « Puis le jeune a réussi à se dégager et il a commencé à courir. Le policier est sorti de sa voiture et a tiré », raconte-t-elle, ajoutant que Michael Brown avait les mains en l'air, signe qu'il voulait se rendre au policier.

Le FBI enquête sur les circonstances de la tragédie, mais précise que les résultats pourraient prendre plusieurs semaines avant d'être dévoilés.

Le collectif Anonymous confirme avoir attaqué le site web de la police de Ferguson lundi dans le but de forcer les autorités à dévoiler les détails entourant la mort de Michael Brown. Le groupe aurait également dévoilé des enregistrements audio dans lesquels on entendrait des experts commenter la scène du crime. La police n'a pas confirmé si ces enregistrements étaient véridiques.


Émeutes à Ferguson
Police Shooting Missouri(01 of44)
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A man holds his hands up in the street after a standoff with police Monday, Aug. 18, 2014, during a protest for Michael Brown, who was killed by a police officer Aug. 9 in Ferguson, Mo. Brown's shooting has sparked more than a week of protests, riots and looting in the St. Louis suburb. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Police Shooting Missouri(02 of44)
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A man is helped ease the effects of tear gas during a protest Monday, Aug. 18, 2014, for Michael Brown, who was killed by a police officer Aug. 9 in Ferguson, Mo. Brown's shooting has sparked more than a week of protests, riots and looting in the St. Louis suburb. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Police Shooting Missouri(03 of44)
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A man tries to recover after being treated for tear gas during a protest Monday, Aug. 18, 2014, for Michael Brown, who was killed by a police officer Aug. 9 in Ferguson, Mo. Brown's shooting has sparked more than a week of protests, riots and looting in the St. Louis suburb. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Police Shooting Missouri(04 of44)
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A man is detained after a standoff between protesters and police Monday, Aug. 18, 2014, during a protest for Michael Brown, who was killed by a police officer Aug. 9 in Ferguson, Mo. Brown's shooting has sparked more than a week of protests, riots and looting in the St. Louis suburb. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Police Shooting Missouri(05 of44)
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A man is detained by police during a protest Monday, Aug. 18, 2014, for Michael Brown, who was killed by a police officer Aug. 9 in Ferguson, Mo. Brown's shooting has sparked more than a week of protests, riots and looting in the St. Louis suburb. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Police Shooting Missouri(06 of44)
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A man stands in the street during a protest Monday, Aug. 18, 2014, for Michael Brown, who was killed by a police officer Aug. 9 in Ferguson, Mo. Brown's shooting has sparked more than a week of protests, riots and looting in the St. Louis suburb. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Police Shooting Missouri(07 of44)
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Police advance to clear people Monday, Aug. 18, 2014, during a protest for Michael Brown, who was killed by a police officer Aug. 9 in Ferguson, Mo. Brown's shooting has sparked more than a week of protests, riots and looting in the St. Louis suburb. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Police Shooting Missouri(08 of44)
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A man protests Monday, Aug. 18, 2014, for Michael Brown, who was killed by police Aug. 9 in Ferguson, Mo. Brown's shooting has sparked more than a week of protests, riots and looting in the St. Louis suburb. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Police Shooting Missouri(09 of44)
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A law enforcement officer on a tactical vehicle reloads after firing Sunday, Aug. 17, 2014, during a protest for Michael Brown, who was killed by a police officer last Saturday in Ferguson, Mo. As night fell Sunday in Ferguson, another peaceful protest quickly deteriorated after marchers pushed toward one end of a street. Police attempted to push them back by firing tear gas and shouting over a bullhorn that the protest was no longer peaceful. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Police Shooting Missouri(10 of44)
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Police wait to advance after tear gas was used to disperse a crowd Sunday, Aug. 17, 2014, during a protest for Michael Brown who was killed by a police officer last Saturday in Ferguson, Mo. As night fell Sunday in Ferguson, another peaceful protest quickly deteriorated after marchers pushed toward one end of a street. Police attempted to push them back by firing tear gas and shouting over a bullhorn that the protest was no longer peaceful. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Police Shooting Missouri(11 of44)
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People protest Sunday, Aug. 17, 2014, for Michael Brown, who was killed by a police officer last Saturday in Ferguson, Mo. As night fell Sunday in Ferguson, another peaceful protest quickly deteriorated after marchers pushed toward one end of a street. Police attempted to push them back by firing tear gas and shouting over a bullhorn that the protest was no longer peaceful. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Police Shooting Missouri(12 of44)
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A man wearing a police hat protests Sunday, Aug. 17, 2014, for Michael Brown, who was killed by a police officer last Saturday in Ferguson, Mo. As night fell Sunday in Ferguson, another peaceful protest quickly deteriorated after marchers pushed toward one end of a street. Police attempted to push them back by firing tear gas and shouting over a bullhorn that the protest was no longer peaceful. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Police Shooting Missouri(13 of44)
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People protest Sunday, Aug. 17, 2014, for Michael Brown, who was killed by a police officer last Saturday in Ferguson, Mo. As night fell Sunday in Ferguson, another peaceful protest quickly deteriorated after marchers pushed toward one end of a street. Police attempted to push them back by firing tear gas and shouting over a bullhorn that the protest was no longer peaceful. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
APTOPIX Police Shooting Missouri(14 of44)
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A law enforcement officer on a tactical vehicle watches after a device was fired to disperse a crowd Sunday, Aug. 17, 2014, during a protest for Michael Brown, who was killed by a police officer last Saturday in Ferguson, Mo. As night fell Sunday in Ferguson, another peaceful protest quickly deteriorated after marchers pushed toward one end of a street. Police attempted to push them back by firing tear gas and shouting over a bullhorn that the protest was no longer peaceful. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Police Shooting Missouri(15 of44)
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In this photo taken with a fisheye lens, a man tries to recover from tear gas after people leave a McDonald's restaurant Sunday, Aug. 17, 2014, during a protest for Michael Brown, who was killed by a police officer last Saturday in Ferguson, Mo. As night fell Sunday in Ferguson, another peaceful protest quickly deteriorated after marchers pushed toward one end of a street. Police attempted to push them back by firing tear gas and shouting over a bullhorn that the protest was no longer peaceful. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Police Shooting Missouri(16 of44)
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A protester stands in the street after police fired tear gas to disperse a crowd Sunday, Aug. 17, 2014, during a protest for Michael Brown, who was killed by a police officer last Saturday in Ferguson, Mo. As night fell Sunday in Ferguson, another peaceful protest quickly deteriorated after marchers pushed toward one end of a street. Police attempted to push them back by firing tear gas and shouting over a bullhorn that the protest was no longer peaceful. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Police Shooting Missouri(17 of44)
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Police wait to advance after tear gas was used to disperse a crowd Sunday, Aug. 17, 2014, during a protest for Michael Brown, who was killed by a police officer last Saturday in Ferguson, Mo. As night fell Sunday in Ferguson, another peaceful protest quickly deteriorated after marchers pushed toward one end of a street. Police attempted to push them back by firing tear gas and shouting over a bullhorn that the protest was no longer peaceful. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
APTOPIX Police Shooting Missouri(18 of44)
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People protest Sunday, Aug. 17, 2014, for Michael Brown, who was killed by a police officer last Saturday in Ferguson, Mo. As night fell Sunday in Ferguson, another peaceful protest quickly deteriorated after marchers pushed toward one end of a street. Police attempted to push them back by firing tear gas and shouting over a bullhorn that the protest was no longer peaceful. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Police walk through a cloud of smoke as they clash with protesters(19 of44)
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Police attempt to secure a street after a clash with protesters(20 of44)
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A device deployed by police goes off in the street(21 of44)
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A protester kicks a smoke grenade back in the direction of police(22 of44)
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Eerie scenes in the sleepy suburb...(23 of44)
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A man prepares to throw a molotov cocktail at police(24 of44)
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An Al Jazeera television crew, covering demonstrators protesting, flee(25 of44)
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(credit:Scott Olson via Getty Images)
Police advance through the smoke...(26 of44)
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Demonstrators protest the shooting death of teenager Michael Brown(27 of44)
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(credit:Scott Olson via Getty Images)
Police and protesters clash(28 of44)
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An explosive device deployed by police flies in the air(29 of44)
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An armoured personnel carrier speeds down the street(30 of44)
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People run through smoke away from police(31 of44)
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Protests in the St. Louis suburb have been rocked by racial unrest(32 of44)
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Police stand watch as demonstrators protest(33 of44)
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(credit:Scott Olson via Getty Images)
Most were peaceful protesters in the St. Louis suburb, holding hands(34 of44)
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(credit:Scott Olson via Getty Images)
Demonstrators scramble for cover(35 of44)
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(credit:Scott Olson via Getty Images)
Police fire tear gas on the fourth day of protests(36 of44)
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(credit:Scott Olson via Getty Images)
Protesters faced heavily armed police(37 of44)
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(credit:Scott Olson via Getty Images)
Baghdad USA...(38 of44)
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(credit:Scott Olson via Getty Images)
Police surround and detain two people in a car(39 of44)
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(credit:Scott Olson via Getty Images)
At least two reporters were assaulted and detained by police(40 of44)
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A demonstrator stands his ground(41 of44)
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(credit:Scott Olson via Getty Images)
Police stand watch as demonstrators protest(42 of44)
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(credit:Scott Olson via Getty Images)
Brown was shot and killed by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday(43 of44)
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(credit:Scott Olson via Getty Images)
(44 of44)
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A protester takes shelter from the tear gas exploding around him

-- Cet article fait partie des archives en ligne du HuffPost Canada, qui ont fermé en 2021. Si vous avez des questions ou des préoccupations, veuillez consulter notre FAQ ou contacter support@huffpost.com.