
Sarah Holloway

Former mergers and acquisitions lawyer turned health and wellbeing business co-owner. Life-loving foodie, frolicker and funtrepreneur.

Sarah began her working life as a mergers and acquisitions lawyer at a leading international law firm. While she enjoyed several years building strong professional foundations and invaluable business acumen, she found it increasingly challenging to reconcile her demanding corporate lifestyle with her personal passions for health, wellbeing, creativity and adventure. In pursuit of balance, Sarah and her partner started a creative side project based on their own frustrations at a convenient gap in the health food market – matcha green tea powder. They had discovered matcha powder on their travels and were unable to find a product striking the right balance between affordability and quality, so they started Matcha Maiden in late 2014 and it has been matcha madness ever since.

Matcha Maiden is now stocked all over the world and has grown a highly engaged following of 50,000 “matcha mates” and counting. Sarah has recently stepped out of her suit and into the buzzing entrepreneurial world full-time to keep up with the growing international demand for their gorgeous green superfood. She now spends her days indulging her passions for health and wellbeing and nurturing her love for learning, creating, meeting, and collaborating through the business. This has also encouraged the development of a personal blog, Spoonful of Sarah, to entertain her appetite for creative writing, photography and various other expressions of her artistic personality and love for life.

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