'30 Rock': Jack And Liz Attend Couple's Counseling (VIDEO)

WATCH: Jack & Liz Attend Couple's Counseling

'30 Rock' fans who missed last night's mid-season premiere might be baffled by the headline above. Didn't Jack marry Avery? Well, not exactly. Due to Liz Lemon being, well, Liz Lemon, she was mistaken for the bride at Jack and Avery's wedding and accidentally becomes Mrs. Donaghy in the new year.

In true Jack/Liz fashion, the obvious plan to get a quick divorce and set things right is marred by both their stubborn natures. The two use the unwanted marriage as leverage until it all boils over in a couple's counseling session with Jeffrey Weinerslav. Watch the clip below to see what a little therapy does to the ultimate odd couple.


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