5 Career-Defining Lessons I Learned From ABC's Scandal

5 Career-Defining Lessons I Learned From ABC's Scandal
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I have to admit that I've never been one of those people who can easily get into a television show. Most of the time, my schedule is plagued with the inability to sit down and enjoy a good binge-watching session of the latest show, resulting in my "Must Watch" list stretching a mile long. As a result, whenever I get into a television show that I genuinely enjoy, I get ridiculously excited about it and invested into the latest episode.

ABC's Scandal is one of the shows I am hopelessly addicted to. Even if I have a day where I'm stressed to the max and probably shouldn't watch television, I find myself still wanting to squeeze in one last episode. Olivia Pope is the ultimate embodiment of the type of person I want to be: confident yet unassuming, strong yet vulnerable, ambitious yet focused. As a result of my addiction to the show, I've picked up some meaningful trinkets of advice for my future career. Check out the top five career-defining lessons I learned from binge-watching ABC's Scandal.

1.Dress like you're going to take over the world. Olivia Pope does not let herself hide into the shadows, be someone's second thought, or be considered next-to-best. She stands out in her all white, wide-legged trouser and blazer getup - complete with the infamous power pose. As a woman, we're already given the pressures of shrinking in and becoming an afterthought to the suppressing patriarchal institutions, but like Olivia Pope, I'm tired of it. Society creates the impression of what a woman should be like, but we have the power to reverse it by being our badass self and getting ready to build our empire, brick by brick.

2.It's okay to wear the white hat. Scandal exposes the dangers of politics and people hungry for power, but it also shows what it looks like when individuals decide to don the white hat and promote peace over their opinion being considered right. In the workforce, there are going to be opportunities where we have to decide between preserving the relationship with someone, or winning the argument. It's on us to decide what we want to do.

3.You don't have to explain your actions. Olivia Pope, the perpetual girl-boss, does not feel the need to justify what she does or apologize for her actions. Although sometimes it admittedly can go a bit too far, her ability to live life without apology is one that I envy. I find myself apologizing for taking up too much space or speaking too loudly or being proud of an accomplishment I worked hard to do, and that needs to change. Nobody needs to constantly justify why their "no" means no, or why they choose to study something, or why they are in a specific career or dress a certain way. My life is not subject to your judgement, nor does it warrant constant explanations or apologies.

4.Anyone, when determined, can accomplish their goals. Anyone who follows the show knows that this can be a good thing, as well as a bad thing. When given the right amount of passion, people can do whatever sets their heart on fire regardless of what may be holding them back. The negative criticism of others can sting, but nothing leaves a permanent scar like having to defer a dream. March in your next meeting with your heart ablaze and your mind determined, and be prepared to shake the gates of hell for a vision you believe in.

5.Be careful of who you decide to share your heart with. Our heart pumps blood throughout our body and is the vessel for maintaining life, but once we infect it with the poisonous actions of people, our potential is threatened. Be careful who you decide to share your heart with and who you open up to, because while it can be hard to grasp, they may not value what you have to say as much as you would like them to. Be kind and open, but be wise and discerning on who you decide to open up to and bring into your heart.

What did Scandal teach you? Let us know in the comments below!

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