A New York Man Proves You Can Transform Your Life by Losing Over 700 Pounds

A New York Man Proves You Can Transform Your Life by Losing Over 700 Pounds
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Several years ago, Larry Myers weigh 940 pounds and was unable to take care of himself. In fact, he was living in an assisted living facility and needed help with necessities of life. Larry, came to the realization that he would end up dying if he did not make a drastic change in his life. He had a nurse who referred him to a weight loss center for a bariatric by-pass.

Larry before weight-loss surgery

Larry before weight-loss surgery

Larry Myers

He says he had always struggled with his weight growing up, but the tipping point occurred after the death of his mother Linda. The week after she died, he lapsed into a coma at White Plains Hospital and woke up 12 days later.

Emergency personal could not find an ambulance big enough to hold him for the trip to the hospital. He was loaded in the back of a pickup truck. That humiliation was the wake-up call he needed to begin the fight to save his own life. “I had prepared to die,” says Myers. “It was war; I felt that I was at war with myself.”

The center would not perform the surgery until he lost 400 pounds on his own due to the over whelming risk of the operation. Larry was told when the surgery happened his stomach would be 6 oz. He had a radical thought he would use jello cups to portion out his meals for the day. Thus, earning his nickname, “Mr. Jello Cup.” With some extremely hard work Larry lost the 400 pounds needed for the surgery.

As of today, Larry is 276 pounds. The journey has not been easy. He has endured not only the bariatric by-pass surgery but 4 reconstruction surgery to remove excess skin and tissue. Larry must endure another 4 surgeries to lose all the loose hanging skin. Larry has the goal to lose his final 100 pounds this year. He is working with a nutritional start-up company called Tavala out of American Fork, Utah. He has been on their Tavla Trim for 2 weeks and has lost 10 pounds.




Larry is excited for the future. One of his favorite parts of his journey thus far is teaching and sharing his story with others thinking about enduring a bariatric bypass. Larry’s favorite quote is “Whether you are 100 or 900 pounds’ overweight or underweight, you can make a change!” Larry is planning a six-city speaking tour in September.

You an find out more about Larry by visiting his Facebook page; https://www.facebook.com/pg/Mr-Jello-Cup-129487584298574 You can join Larry ion his journey to lose the last 100 pounds by going to his Tavala store at www.tavala.biz/mrjellocup.

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