Zoe Saldana Rates Britney Spears' Acting Ability In 'Crossroads'

Zoe Saldana Rates Britney's Acting Chops

Do you guys remember "Crossroads," with Zoe Saldana, Taryn Manning and Britney Spears' driving down the road of life and pretending "Lucky" was an original song that had been written for the movie?

Well, Zoe Saldana sat down with Andy Cohen on "Watch What Happens Live" to take a look back and discuss the glory days that were the early 2000's, because obviously "Crossroads" is one of Andy's "fave" movies.

Cohen asked Saldana if Justin Timberlake had visited Britney on set and pushed her to rate Britney's acting skills on a scale of one to 10. "Oh, on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being super fabulous?" she responded. "Um, I would say a six? A seven? Eight-ish?"

So, there you have it: Britney Spears is an "eight-ish" actor. And obviously JT visited her! They were so in love in 2002.

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Britney Spears Through The Years

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