Dr. Oz Two Day Spring Cleanse To Help You Detox

Dr. Oz's Secret To Feeling Better In 2 Days

In the March issue of O, The Oprah Magazine, Dr. Oz outlines a two-day cleanse to help detox your body. But this cleanse won't have you sipping on citrus water while eyeing your pantry longingly. Instead, the cleanse focuses on a 48-hour menu of purifying whole foods, ranging from smoothies to whole grain.

Dr. Oz writes in O Magazine:

On talk shows and in magazines, I often hear celebrities championing cleanses. But when they say 'cleanse' and I say 'cleanse,' we're usually talking about two very different things. Celebrities use the word to refer to so-called detox diets that promise to help you shed 20 pounds in two weeks. These rapid weight loss regimens can deprive you of crucial nutrients and calories, forcing your body into starvation mode. You do lose weight, but as your metabolism slows, the pounds eventually creep back.

When I say 'cleanse,' I mean it in the sense of true cleaning -- a strategy that helps your body rid itself of toxins.

So are you ready for some spring cleansing? Check out the slideshow below for some of Dr. Oz's tips to make the most of your two-day cleanse, courtesy of O Magazine, and read more about Dr. Oz's cleanse menu (including recipes), cleanse philosophy and how your body's detox process works here. (Be sure to consult your doctor before starting any new diet or cleanse.)


Dr. Oz's Two-Day Cleanse

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