How to Pronounce Italian Words the Right Way, Italian Words You Have Been Saying Wrong

How to Pronounce Italian Words the Right Way, Italian Words You Have Been Saying Wrong
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Vincenzo's Plate

How to Pronounce Italian Food the right way

In this video I want to teach you how to pronounce correctly the most popular Italian Food words. Italian Words you have been getting wrong. Don't worry, after this video, you can go to an Italian Restaurant and order food like an Italian.

Do you actually know how to say bruschetta the right way? and what about Bolognese? Check out this video to learn how to speak like an Italian.

We have some special guests sharing their Italian knowledge in this video :-)

Watch this funny video:

The tour is exclusive to only 10 passionate foodies and it's very unique. (Click here to get more details)

Tempted? Watch the video below and enjoy the sightseeing of the greenest region in Europe

Vincenzos Plate is a YouTube channel with a focus on cooking, determined to teach the world, one videorecipe at a time that you don’t need to be a professional chef to impress friends, family and yourself with mouth-watering Italian Food Recipes right out of your very own kitchen whilst having a laugh (and a glass of vino!).