Joe Biden: 'I Would Have Been The Best President'

"I just wasn't ready to be able to do that."

Vice President Joe Biden opened up about his decision not to run for president, telling ABC's Robin Roberts he felt good about his chances.

"I planned on running," Biden said. "It's an awful thing to say: I think I would have been the best president."

Biden said the death of his son, Beau Biden, made him change his mind about the race.

"No one should ever seek the presidency unless they're able to devote their whole heart and soul and passion into just doing that," Biden said. "And Beau was my soul. I just wasn't ready to be able to do that."

Biden said he has no regrets about staying out of the 2016 race, but does regret that his son is gone. Beau Biden died of brain cancer in May 2015.

Biden told Roberts he's "confident" former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will be the next president. He previously said she would easily win in a race against business mogul Donald Trump.

Watch Biden's comments about 2016 and his son above.

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A Million Miles With VP Joe Biden

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