Non-Lion-Hunting Dentist Makes Fun Of Lion-Hunting Dentist On His Office Sign

Cecil's killer just got thrown in the lion's den-tist.

Back in July, dentist Walter Palmer infamously hunted Zimbabwe's beloved Cecil the Lion, an act that cost him $55,000 and, given the amount of hate messages, perhaps his dental practice.

Not wanting to be associated with the Clayton-esque "Tarzan" villain that just also happens to clean teeth, Curtis Hagerty of the Russellville, Arkansas branch of Hagerty Family Dental recently changed his front sign to say, "By the way, I don't hunt lions."

Hagerty Family Dental posted a picture of the sign to their Facebook page late Tuesday. From there, Reddit user stone122311 published the above image to the social-sharing site earlier Wednesday, leading the sign from his "hometown" to go viral.

The Huffington Post has reached out to both Hagerty Family Dental and the Reddit user, but did not hear back by the time this article was published.

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