Penis Cactus Rises On Reddit, Might Need Viagra In Real Life (PHOTOS)

LOOK: Hard Times For Penis Cactus

This photo is doing swell on Reddit.

Unfortunately, user kritical02's cactus penis seems to be going limp.

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It "just won't grow straight," kritical02 explains in the comment section. "Should probably tell friend [sic[ to put viagra [sic] in the water."

Another user suggests that the friends stop watering the plant, as "it's probably water logged and about to burst."

We couldn't have said it better, ourselves.

The best part, though, is the wonderful camerawork that captures the penis cactus' shadow. What a shot.

And of course, we'd be remiss if we didn't mention that kritical02 poetically calls the plant "The Cocktus."

We applaud you, kritical02.

The penis cactus is here to remind us that phallic lookalikes can erect in unusual places.

In China, a state-run newspaper became the root of Internet banter in March 2013 when photos of its "giant penis" building went viral. And that April, footage spread of NASA's Mars rover accidentally "drawing" an enormous penis on the Red Planet's dusty surface.

Via Reddit

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