7 Secret Reasons You're Still Hungry

7 Secret Reasons You're Still Hungry

By Corrie Pikul

You're eating well (or so you think), so why you are you still fantasizing about food?

1. The small print on your bottles.

What makes you hungry: A side effect of certain drugs -- hormonal birth control, tricyclic antidepressants, corticosteroids and some allergy medication -- is a cranked-up appetite; one that can make your willpower, well, powerless. For most of us, this isn't a huge issue, but an estimated 5 to 10 percent of people who are overweight got that way because of their meds, says Louis Aronne, MD, director the weight management center at Weill Cornell Medical College. And as this woman shows, that bait and switch (So long, depression! Hello, weight-related anxiety!) can bring unexpected complications.

What to do: Sometimes a different drug can be just as effective -- and the side effects may even work in your favor (for example, Aronne says that some types of diabetes drugs have helped patients drop unwanted pounds). Ask your doctor to review your options.

2. The veggies in your cupboard?

What makes you hungry: Vegetables are a weight-conscious person's best friend...unless they come from a can or package containing the chemical bisphenol-A (BPA), which some scientists consider an obesogen -- a newly categorized class of industrial compounds that may alter metabolic processes and predispose some people to gain weight. The exact mechanism of why BPA may make us fatter is still up for debate, but one theory is that because BPA can be treated by the body as a hormone, it can interfere with natural chemicals (like leptin) that regulate hunger and satiety.

What to do: If fresh vegetables aren't easily available (or aren't easy, period), use the frozen variety in BPA-free packaging.

3. The snowdrifts outside your door.

What makes you hungry: A hearty cassoulet sounds so much more appealing in the winter than a salad. Scientists go back and forth about why. Ira Ockene, MD, a professor of medicine at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, has said that our appetites are spurred by a primitive impulse to stockpile calories -- as much as 86 extra per day, according to his research -- for the cold days ahead (call it the chipmunk theory). Others say it's because we require more energy -- i.e., calories -- to maintain our body temperature of 98.6 degrees. Or it could just be that when your body temp drops, you crave the sugary, starchy foods that act like kindling to fuel your internal furnace.

What to do: Layer up before sitting down to a meal, especially at a restaurant (many keep the temps cool so you order a more robust entree...as well as an appetizer).

4. The habit that saves you time.

What makes you hungry: Eating at your desk may seem efficient, but research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows that when participants were parked in front of a computerized card-sorting game with snacks for a 30-minute period, they ate twice as much as those who weren't at a computer. They also remembered less about what they ate, so they were more likely to snack excessively as the day wore on.

What to do: Because formatting spreadsheets can be as much of a distraction from your lunch as computer solitaire, try to take at least 10 or 15 minutes away from work in order to focus on your food.

5. The drink in your lunch bag.

What makes you hungry: Can high-fructose beverages be hypnotizing us into craving sweets? Robert H. Lustig, MD, an obesity expert and anti-sugar crusader, has done experiments to show that the insulin release from excess sugar consumption blocks hormone signals that tell us we’re full. So…we think we still need food, especially the sweet stuff. More recently, Yale University researchers used MRI scans to show that when adults drank high-fructose beverages, there was reduced activity in the areas of their brain associated with satiety. Like Lustig, the Yale researchers concluded that fructose might be more likely to stimulate rather than curb appetite.

What to do: With meals, drink seltzer with lime, and if you're craving dessert, go for it (it's less caloric and more satisfying than drinking soda and then eating dessert).

6. The cravings that discriminate by gender.

What makes you hungry: Not to sound like a Cathy cartoon, but studies do suggest that women tend to eat around 100 to 200 calories more than usual (ACK!!!) in the days just before their period, usually in the form of high-carbohydrate sweets. This is probably due to the surge in progesterone that occurs during the luteal phase, and the cravings are felt most intensely by women who are prone to other symptoms of PMS (cramps, bloating, extreme mood swings, etc.).

What to do: Relax, and stop cursing your hormones. As researchers from Weight Watchers point out, this increase in appetite appears to be offset by a small rise in metabolism (around 5 to 10 percent) that occurs during the same time period. So if you keep up your regular exercise plan (which has also been shown to help with cramps), you shouldn't notice any real changes on the scale.

7. The all-nighter you pulled for work.

What makes you hungry: Studies of people around the world have shown a connection between sleeping less than six hours a night and a higher body mass index. It makes sense that the longer you're awake, the more time you have to snack, but the weight gain could also be due to the way sleep deprivation affects your hormone levels. In one study from 2004, when people slept just four hours, they had lower levels of the satiety hormone, leptin; higher levels of the hunger hormone, ghrelin; and reported being 24 percent more hungry -- especially for sweets, salty snacks and starchy foods (i.e., the entire contents of the vending machine).

What to do: Weight-loss experts have been careful to point out that sleeping more won't necessarily make you shed pounds, but it may make you feel less ravenous and will also help you stay in control around junk food.

Before You Go

Diet Advice You Can Ignore
Small Tweaks Are Just As Effective As Big Changes (01 of06)
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You've switched from mayo to mustard, and you're cutting back on Coke -- yet these aren't foods that you eat every day. That could be why these occasional sacrifices aren't changing the numbers on the scale. A better way to think about it: "You'll see more impressive results by focusing on changes that are part of a regular routine," says registered dietician Keri Glassman, the author of The New You (and Improved!) Diet. "Consistency is key." For example, if you drink an 8-ounce glass of soda every afternoon, switching to sparkling water could save 700 calories a week. But if you only drink soda at the movies, say, once a month, try to find a smarter substitution (the bagels you pick up on your way into the office, perhaps) with a bigger payoff. (credit:Thinkstock)
Wait Until You're Really Hungry To Eat (02 of06)
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It's the rare person who can confront a menu, a full plate or a bread basket on an empty stomach without being tempted to devour the first rosemary-seasoned focaccia-type thing they see (especially if that thing is slathered in butter). We also now know that overweight people have a harder time recognizing when they're truly hungry -- or full -- and tend to be more susceptible to messages from ads or friends urging them to eat. Another habit that can mess with your hunger signals over time: yo-yo dieting. A better way to think about it: "Eat small, healthy snacks to help keep your appetite in check," Glassman says, and track hunger using a 10-point scale (10 being stuffed). Try to stay between a 4 and a 6 (slightly satisfied to slightly hungry). (credit:Thinkstock)
Exercise More To Lose More(03 of06)
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Repeated studies have shown that exercise alone isn't enough to help people shed pounds (maybe the reason scientists keep testing this theory is because no one wants to believe the results). In fact, when some people begin a workout routine, they actually gain weight. Here's why: Intense exercise makes a lot of us hungrier, there's a tendency to reward physical effort with a high-calorie treat, we don't burn as many calories as we think (usually about 200 -- the amount in one sports drink), and it can be hard to maintain a consistent workout schedule over time. That's why eating more healthfully, and eating less, is twice as effective at helping people drop pounds.A better way to think about it: Exercise helps you build muscle to look leaner and stronger (even if your weight doesn't budge) and improves your mood -- which bolsters your motivation to take care of your body. It's also hard to snack while you're working out. Plus, regularly getting your heart rate up measurably improves your health and can add years to your life. (credit:Thinkstock)
Cut Calories Wherever You Can (04 of06)
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Not all calories are created equal. Yet many diets of the past failed to sufficiently distinguish between different types of calories. The scientists behind Weight Watchers (which allocates points to food based on calories and other factors) overhauled the program's methodology in 2011 to encourage people to eat more protein and fiber. This was in response to research on food density and satiety that shows these foods help fill us up and keep hunger at bay. A better way to think about it: Focus, as experts do, on where your calories come from. Research has shown that calories from highly processed carbs, like white flour and sugar, are treated differently by the body than calories from other foods, causing blood sugar and insulin to spike, leading to fat retention. So when calories are a draw, always reach for the option with more fiber and protein and fewer grams of added sugar and refined carbs. (It's still true that if you want to lose weight, you need to consume fewer calories overall.) (credit:Thinkstock)
Avoid Fat. Any Kind Of Fat. Always And Forever.(05 of06)
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Fat is not only an essential nutrient, but it can also help you lose weight by filling you up and helping to satisfy cravings, Glassman says. In fact, she adds that a sensible diet is made up of about 30 percent fat. The key is choosing the right fats, and that can get a little confusing. "I have a lot of clients who are still afraid to eat nuts," Glassman says.A better way to think about it: "Choose healthy (i.e., unsaturated or monosaturated) fats that come from nuts as well as avocado, fish, seeds (including flaxseed and chia seeds) and olive oil," Glassman says, and be mindful of portion size (for example, only a palmful of nuts). Limit your consumption of not-so-healthy saturated fats from cheese, butter, cream, fatty cuts of meat and palm oil. And avoid trans fats -- commonly found in processed foods like chips, cookies and margarine -- which, Glassman says, can not only cause weight gain but can also raise LDL ("bad") cholesterol and increase the risk of heart disease. (credit:Thinkstock)
Slow And Steady Is Always The Best Way To Lose Weight(06 of06)
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The recommended speed limit for weight loss is 1 to 2 pounds per week. But the scientific research doesn't support it, found David B. Allison, Ph.D., who directs the Nutrition Obesity Research Center at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. In a recent article for the New England Journal of Medicine that busted myths about obesity, Allison cited studies that challenged the take-it-slow rule. One of the these compared people who drastically cut their calories and dropped weight rapidly with people who cut fewer calories and took longer to lose, and found that both groups had the same success in keeping the weight off over 18 months. A better way to think about it: If you follow a balanced, nutritionist-recommended eating plan for a few weeks and drop more than the recommended amount at first (say, 3 or 4 pounds instead of 1 or 2) feel psyched instead of worried you may be losing too quickly. Some people, especially those who are new to healthy eating, can lose faster than others. (But this shouldn't be seen as a reason to try that powdered-drink plan you've heard can help you lose 10 pounds in the time it takes your manicure to chip; nor should it tempt you to starve yourself. Fad diets and fasts are unhealthy and unsustainable.) (credit:Thinkstock)