Laptop Steering Wheel Desk: So You Can Work While You Drive? (PHOTOS)

Laptop Steering Wheel Desk: So You Can Work While You Drive? (PHOTOS)

Some people text while driving. The Laptop Steering Wheel Desk could let them type on a computer, too

Mobile Office's Steering Wheel Desk seems to have been made for those who think tapping on a BlackBerry or iPhone in the car isn't enough.

The device attaches to a steering wheel to form an on-the-go desk that be used as a "writing and drink storage surface" or "to form an on-the-road computer desk," according to its description on Amazon.

Amazon reviewers have been surprised, entertained, and even outraged the strange device, and have posted a plethora of both serious and tongue-in-cheek reviews describing the device.

Reviewers have concocted all kinds of scenarios in which the device could be used. One wrote,

This has been a total lifesaver. It allows me to prop my sheet music against the wheel, allowing me to play the guitar with both hands while driving.

Another posted:

This awesome bit of kit changed my life. The extra hours of work I could get in whilst driving on the freeway has made me so much more productive. In fact I directly attribute this to my improved bonuses and recent promotion.

And yet another wrote,

I loved my Laptop Steering Wheel Desk so much I got one for my 90yr old mother. She is an avid crossword puzzle fan and now she can work on them while she is driving back and forth from bingo at the senior center.

One reviewer took serious issue with the product, noting,

Amazon needs to remove this item and call the police on the company that made it. This is NOT safe, NOT legal, and oh, by the way? It's STUPID.

Perhaps hypothesizing the consequences of actually using the Laptop Steering Wheel Desk to type and drive, several user added photographs to the item's description showing various car collisions, such as the one below:

However, the seller does warn,

For safety reasons, never use this product while driving.

What do you think of the product? Tell us below!

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