Thanksgiving Needs a Deep Extension Into December

Maybe instead of worrying if you saved 10%, 20% or 50% on something most likely made in China, that you can exist without, you can be part of baby steps to mindfulness and an appreciation of what is around you.
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I see the "Black Friday" mania from stores in Georgia, Florida, and Alabama and goodness knows where else the shopper blitzkrieg occurrence took place. Images of folks trampling one another for boxes of crap ensuing further blows and violence is unsettling, and should actually serve as motivation of what not to do to one another over consumer items, ever. And why should this obsession exist on the heels, no minutes, from a day, a time, of reflection; think how much we have that is not quantifiable by items, or things, but for people, family, friends, health, general well-being. How blessed most of us are, living in the western world... We need to inject a sense of gratitude, appreciation, and reflection into December with more of a spiritual realization that the desire to give (mostly to China by frenzied consumers who may not understand that all these Black Friday "choices" benefit most deeply our Chinese manufacturers and financiers.) could and should be thoughtfully carried out, with mindfulness of the riches we all take for granted.

Buying and giving gifts is no sin. I am not a perfect person. I do my fair share of consuming with a heavy heart--I have two children--toys, clothes, and stuff hit our home frequently throughout the year. We try and recycle those items, re-use-re-gift when the children no longer are using the items. But conducting ourselves poorly in a mob mentality over stuff with short shelve lives, "throw-aways", non lasting products really does deem the day "black" in my view: spiritually, psychologically, and physically. Thanksgiving should be extended into December because it's squished in between Halloween Blow Out Decadence & Christmas Unhinged. Thanksgiving is probably the most philosophical holiday Americans have, yet its compression has caused an รผber focus on food and football, then the ultimate in "bargain shopping". We need to resurrect and preserve the idea of giving thanks, extend its importance. Even if times are rough for some, imagine being the family who makes that last choice decision to spend the night in the car because shelters are full, and hotels are not an option. Imagine the pain, shame and fear that ruminates in the minds of many parents & children for what is now a common option. How long will the car option last that particular family?

Maybe instead of worrying if you saved 10%, 20% or 50% on something most likely made in China, that you can exist without, you can be part of baby steps to mindfulness and an appreciation of what is around you. Buy from a small independent retailer, in your neighborhood or farmers market. A jar of local honey, an orchid, hand-made candles & soap or the purchase of food items made locally are loving gestures. Reuse something you were going to throw away. Make a meal from your kitchen pantry without going to the store. Chances are, the simple supplies you have on hand would comprise a little meal or food for an army. You probably know best. I find most of use do not use lots of our pantry items and end up throwing them away because they expired.

The most important perspective is the realization you and your children are healthy, have each other, and how lucky are we all to have some of the most basic luxuries: hot running water at anytime; the capability to exercise; to choose to eat in, or at a wonderful restaurant; to communicate easily to anyone no matter how far away they are, and to just get the car and drive, anywhere, and to retrieve any information in the world we desire. To read, to vote, to watch TV, to mock Republican debates, to complain about our government. To run for office. How fortunate I am that I can get my kids to the dentist, to drive them to school, to talk with their teachers, to run a thriving restaurant. Freakin,' f***** fortunate. Imagine if you had to find a clean public bathroom each morning for your kids to brush their teeth before school.

Lots of pain gets pushed to the surface at this time of the year because of the myriad of struggles anyone can have-little or no money to spend on their family. Putting a holiday meal on the table can turn into a herculean act for so many distressed people and their families. Let us help one another in small ways, as we remember everything we have, giving thanks all the way through December. What do we really need anyway that is purchased on Black Friday? You cannot buy what many of us already possess, but dare not remember, and do not think about it again until it is gone. You know what I mean.

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