The 3 Faces Of Hillary: Which Hillary Will Answer The 3AM Phone Call?

The 3 Faces Of Hillary: Which Hillary Will Answer The 3AM Phone Call?
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As we have painfully seen, Hillary has exhibited at least 3 personalities in her campaign against Obama:

1. The sweet sensitive Hillary that is honored to be running against Obama.

2. The hard working Hillary that knows how to get the trains to run on time.

3. The super aggressive "anything" to win negative primitive Hillary.

The problem with the way Hillary has expressed herself in this campaign is that she has rapid mood swings. She can be charming on Saturday and be a killer on Sunday. Some people believe that she has shown to be a good fighter with the many moods of Hillary. Some have expressed the feeling that the "real" Hillary is not like the negative personalities she exhibits during the campaign. I disagree.

The so-called real Hillary is all 3 personalities. The one thing that Obama has shown under stress is a consistency of mood and personality. I would add to the 3 faces of Hillary a perception that like her husband, she puts political expediency ahead of conviction. Whatever weaknesses Obama may have shown, his major strength is his mood consistency and positive tone. When I am negotiating or dealing with an adversary, I am much more comfortable with one who has a calm consistent mannerism.

When a future crisis faces the President like the 1962 Cuban missile crisis, what personality type would you want answering the phone? Kennedy's cool and consistent response prevented a nuclear war with Russia. Had the Russians perceived that Kennedy was volatile and unpredictable, the negotiations to end the crisis may have collapsed. That is why the "real" Hillary has exposed a personality flaw that deeply troubles me and many other Democrats. She may be a stubborn and persistent fighter but do we want that in our President without an understanding of what the consequences may be of a fight?

Hillary cannot win the popular delegate vote so she is counting on a good performance in Pennsylvania. She is keeping the fight going even though we all know that the super delegates will determine the nominee. The millions of dollars spent on the remaining primaries is a total waste and destructive to her, Obama, and Democrats. The remaining primaries are nothing more than a beauty contest.

Hillary has unfortunately shown the poor judgment of saying that she and McCain have shown themselves to have satisfied the threshold of "commander in chief" whatever that means. By showing that McCain is more qualified than Obama, Hillary has shown poor judgment in a real crisis. Why is she acting like Lieberman in this campaign by complementing McCain and criticizing Obama about this? She must know that this is damaging to the Democratic party's chances of taking the White House.

Transpose this to a President Hillary that has to deal with a crisis in the world that is life and death. Will she listen to advisors like Mark Penn or will she be able to comprehend within her circle and psyche the cool and collected judgment shown by the likes of FDR, Truman, and Kennedy? Her recent behavior is troubling and puts into question whether she has exhibited the judgment to be COMMANDER IN CHIEF.

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