The Great Rat Race of 2016

The Great Rat Race of 2016
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After sharing a handful of my pieces publicly , I took a break of about a couple of weeks thinking what should I write about next . It wasn’t a deliberate break , but I myself was bored of writing about my personal experiences and views which always seemed to revolve around kindness and bullies and stuff . I don’t want to come across to the world as some saint who never has any negative feelings . I make mistakes and I’m angry about it as well but then with age comes wiseness , I’ve learnt to deal with them in an appropriate way . I’ve learnt to channel my energy and enthusiasm in a way which doesn’t bother anybody else because that’s what my father’s passing away taught me - to be awesome by myself !

But then I’ve been keeping certain things and feelings to myself since the beginning of this year to stay away from controversy and arguments with loved ones . Annddd it’s working !! It’s difficult and it seemed at first as if I’d die eventually if I kept so many things bottled up inside me . But then the kind of issues I was dealing with in personal life , that was the best thing I did when I turned 29 . Now it’s easier and a way of my life , saying whatever is required rather than presenting my opinion at all times . It’s not wrong being opinionated but one should know when to say what to say and how to say it . Too bad I learned it after half of my life is over . But it gives me so much peace being zoned out at times (deliberately) , not commenting on things and people that don’t affect me . I haven’t yet become heartless but I know when to turn a cold shoulder .

So after spending 4 years in this country and much persuasion from my husband , I tried to follow the elections and Presidential candidates this year..not very closely but if anytime somebody points a camera and a microphone on me on the streets , I can answer the questions . I still can’t vote in this country but I’m glad I decided to follow the 2016 elections because it kinda seemed funny ! And also I believed I was already very familiar with the pop culture here so why not go to a different field now .

I was shocked and surprised and humored in so many ways and I’m so sad that it’s all going to end in a day . Really , I enjoyed the election procedure more this year than the movies I watch every weekend ! I’d still say I don’t know much about the candidates , I mean their history and all but the way they presented themselves was hilarious . I was highly impressed by President Barack Obama and his family and them getting out of it with no controversies..I mean isn’t that super-commendable ?

As much as I wish the Obamas could’ve run a third term or Michelle could run for President , I know it’s hypothetical . I had absolutely no hatred for the orange guy when all this started because as I said I’m still getting to know this country but then his faults and shenanigans started coming forward and I was ashamed of a human being like himself existing on this earth . I just couldn’t understand why he’d even run for a high position when he had such an infamous past . Couple of people around me started giving me explanations as to why some people were still in his favor and I just don’t understand how one can think of electing a delusional prick to be their leader . Now I started concentrating on the other candidate thinking may be she must be the one we need . And although she doesn’t have any such twisted ideas as to build a wall to stop people or rejecting issues like global warming , she also has a past she can’t be very proud of . I sometimes admire her visionary thinking in the 90’s when she just ignored the whole issue of a cheating husband because she herself wanted to be free of any chaos surrounding her when she fights for a higher position..I mean that takes a lot of guts . Or her saying that she was present after the 9/11 tragedy . Nobody can deny that both the candidates have got a lot of lies under their belt .

Uptill last week I was pretty confident that Americans are going to choose wisely and select a better candidate out of the two . They aren’t going to elect somebody who insults women , physically disabled and kids equally..who doesn’t have any solid plans but just knows the keywords . Sure we aren’t going to get an Obama this time but somebody from the same party must be similarly responsible . And I was kind of sighing in a relaxed way . That’s how our brains react when something bad is going to happen , we always try to think about the positive aspect and the good thing hoping it’ll happen . But considering the results last week and also since the day is nearing closer , I’m scared again what if the worst happens..what if we get a ruler who discriminates amongst human beings like it happened about 75 years back and a holocaust took place . That dictator killed himself but this one is so full of himself , I’m hoping against hope that he’ll have a little shame left to quit .

Stating all the above I feel a little less frightened , a little more confident that I’ve shared my views just like many others who are urging people to vote wisely . And although I feel helpless not being able to vote , I’m confident that there’s another opinion out there to guide and educate people to do the right thing and choose lesser of the two have patience for another 4 years when we can hope Mrs. Obama can run for President and fight off obnoxious people like Kanye . I’m again looking forward for positive and good things to happen in future , I don’t know when that is but I’m hopeful . And I hope America stays great by itself , without the greatness of some great perverts .

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