The Skunk at the Garden Party?

The Dems will try to portray themselves as purer than the driven snow. The problem is that it just doesn't square with the facts.
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At risk of ruining all the Abramoff lip-smacking glee at this site, it does bear noting that the Abramoff scandal may be a little more bipartisan than some on the left would like to believe.

Check out this document. Yes, it's from the NRSC, but it's accurate, by all accounts.

Apparently, committees affiliated with the national Democratic Party received over $1.2 million from Indian tribe clients and lobbying associates of Jack Abramoff. There's also a handy list of the Democrats (40 of the 45 in the Senate caucus) who received Abramoff-tainted money. Yup, that's Harry Reid's name you saw -- although he tends to freak out when the subject comes up.

The Washington Post likewise reported on the bipartisan nature of the scandal back in June.

Of course, the Dems will try to portray themselves as purer than the driven snow. The problem is that it just doesn't square with the facts -- and "Well, we did it less!" just doesn't have the ring of moral righteousness that so many on the left seem to love.

It bears repeating: The biggest scandal in Washington isn't necessarily what's illegal, it's what's legal. But either way, members of both parties are, too often, in on whatever game is being run.

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