The Women Behind Black Lives Matter

The Women Behind Black Lives Matter
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There’s been an onslaught of hateful narratives surrounding the Black Lives Matter movement in the wake of 17 year old Laquan Mcdonald’s murder, along with so many other young black men at the hands of white police officers , aided by the recent uncomfortable election of Donald Trump as America’s next president. One of the most outspoken and obviously vindictive voices, comes from the outed/fired Chicago police commander who takes every opportunity to entertain his biased op-ed on Chicago news station viewers with inaccurate, ugly and unfounded rhetoric, insinuating that blacklivesmatter is the sole reason murders have escalated in the streets of Chicago and other cities.

Needless to say, there is never any mention of murders in the loss of black men and women lives at the hands of racist police officers. Even the presidential debates lacked commentary of brutality issues against people of color, reflected in the actions of police officers. The purpose here then is to bring awareness to what’s really going on in regards to race in America, to debunk lying narratives and hold racists and bigots and overt acts of injustice accountable.

For all of those who maintain that blacklivesmatter was created for reasons other than to stand for women rights, stand up against racism and injustice to minority men and women, I wanted to share this TEDtalk video. Hopefully inflamed narratives of hate will be abated and folks will re-evaluate their purpose for living, open their hearts, stop deflecting from and trying to change the narrative about whats really going on in regards to race in America. Be enlightened.

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