Top 5 Beauty Blunders To Expect On Your Wedding Day And How To Fix Them--Fast

ven if you adamantly followed every single bridal beauty countdown rule in the book, an unforeseen complexion crisis can rear its ugly head on your big day.
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You've stressed, you've cried, you've tossed and turned through the night, and now, on the day of your wedding, you wake with a giant blemish in the center of your face. Even if you adamantly followed every single bridal beauty countdown rule in the book, an unforeseen complexion crisis can rear its ugly head on your big day. Fret not -- whether it's a blemish on your otherwise perfect complexion or puffy bags under your eyes, there's a quick fix.

Here are the top five complexion crises to expect on your wedding day and how to fix them, fast:

1. A zit. Waking to a fresh new pimple on your wedding day is more common than you think. Though preparation can help reduce the likelihood, it is always smart to be prepared, just in case. First, pop an aspirin or ibuprofen to combat swelling. Next, reach for your emergency spot treatment. I like our Drying Potion because it uses sulfur and zinc oxide to begin attacking acne bacteria on contact. Keep this on as long as possible! As the hour of the wedding approaches, try soaking a q-tip in Visine and cooling it in the freezer. Before you apply your makeup, gently press the q-tip to the blemish for 5-10 minutes. This will reduce swelling and temporarily cease redness. Now, begin the makeup magic. Try a green concealer first and always set with powder.

2. Puffy eyes. From lack of sleep to tears of happiness, swollen, puffy under eyes are almost a given on your big day. When you arise, grab two green tea bags, steep, and toss 'em in the freezer. After they've cooled, lay back and relax with the bags on your bags for at least 10 minutes. The caffeine will constrict blood vessels and reduce swelling -- you won't believe how clear and rejuvenated your eyes will appear. To help maintain this new open-eyed look through the whole wedding, lightly dab a de-puffing under eye cream that contains Aloe Vera, caffeine, or CoEnzyme Q10 to energize skin and reduce swelling.

3. Smudged makeup. With all the dancing, cheek kissing, and champagne toasts, your makeup is bound to get a little messy. And if you're having a summer wedding, you are doubly at risk. Smudge-proof makeup is less about the makeup itself and more about what's underneath. First, be sure to wash with a clarifying wash, as dirt, oils, and other residue can cause makeup to slide. Next, despite impulses, apply moisturizer. Dry skin can overcompensate, producing excess oil. Plus, a perfect amount of lightweight moisturizer will give you a dewy, glowing complexion. Once lotion has absorbed (about 5 minutes) apply a pore minimizing primer. Look for something with Silica, which gives a beautiful airbrushed appearance to skin. Finally, keep a pack of blotting papers on hand and be sure to soak up any excess shine throughout the night.

4. Splotchy skin. Sometimes the stress of a wedding can give skin a splotchy appearance. If your skin looks red, patchy, or dry come the day of your wedding, your best bet is a quick exfoliating and energizing treatment. Look for exfoliators with fruit enzymes, which are great for immediately resurfacing dull and dead skin for an immediate glow. Or try a DIY mask made from papaya and honey to get a similar result. Remember, always patch test first! Also, don't forget the rest of your body. Whether you've got a spray tan, a real tan (bad girl!), or are going au natural, you want your whole body to look luminescent and even, not just your face. Try an exfoliating scrub to polish dull skin and stimulate circulation. Finish up with nutrient-rich and non-greasy body lotion to seal in moisture.

5. Razor rash. Being hairless is a no brainer on your wedding day, but brides must be weary of razor rash and/or ingrown hairs. Not only are these suckers an unsightly accompaniment to your under arms, legs, or bikini line, but they can also be quite uncomfortable. You can do your best to prevent razor rash and ingrown hairs by washing with an antibacterial cleanser before and after hair removal. If the damage is done and your find yourself with an itchy red patch of bumps, don't sweat it. Swipe on a medicated acne serum containing Benzoyl Peroxide or Salicylic Acid to kill bacteria and follow with an Aloe Vera based lotion or gel to soothe irritation.

I know, I know, you always thought your wedding would be an invite-only event, and to an extent, you were right. But just in case you do fall victim to these "complexion crashers," it is best to handle the situation with efficiency and grace. And I promise, just like the first year of marriage, you'll look back and only remember the good.

Sarah Dakar is beauty director with Sonya Dakar Skincare in Beverly Hills.

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