UW-Madison's 'Don't Go To Mifflin Street Block Party' Youtube Video Sparks Viral Remixes, Mixed Message

(WATCH) Students Remix Dean's Awkward Youtube Warning Video

Lori Berquam, dean of students at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, posted a Youtube video in which she somberly asks students not to attend the school’s massive Mifflin Street Block Party, saying she’s seen smart students make stupid decisions at the booze fest.

Many would consider it pretty awkward. Fewer considered it material for a viral video, but those who did managed to drown Berquam’s original message by remixing it to club music or chopping out words to make Berquam sound like a party animal.

Youtube videos catch tons of student eyes, but Berquam hadn’t counted on the mixed message. The video was pulled but not before someone copied it. See this original below.

Students throw the party each year on the first Saturday in May. It started as a party in protest against the Vietnam War, but Mifflin Street's message has clouded in recent years as both attendance and arrests have swelled.

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