We Are Now the Leaders We've Been Waiting For

We Are Now the Leaders We've Been Waiting For
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Susanna Barkataki

So, the truth is, I had been expecting something completely different.

I was sure Hillary would be the powerful woman leader and role model I and we so need. For a day or two, I was thrown off. I felt like everything women’s leadership stood for had been trashed.

But now I realize. I didn't lose the election.

I won actually. Because instead of waiting for the leadership to come from above, from someone, or somewhere else, I’ve got to be her. Now, more than ever, we’ve got to be the leaders we want to see. That powerful leader we need is already here.

And this is coming from someone who is an immigrant, queer, woman of color, no stranger to living in a hostile land. We will not be suppressed.

It's our time to lead now. So each of us can do what we do best.

For me, as a life-long learner, passionate about education, curriculum and program development, transformation, personal change, group dynamics and social change - the answer was sitting right in front of me.

Create it. Now. I’ve always dreamed of opening a school.

So I am doing it. We can’t build our new future on the old institutions. So we are creating an institute that helps us study and learn so we can change the way we do everything. The way we learn. The way we lead. Redefining Business. Health. Power. Our relationships. Ourselves.

Bliss Well Institute is committed to our bliss and our wellness, in all senses of those words. To our growth. We study, teach, train and support leadership for wellness and the expansion of human potential.

And as we move forward into this new time, where each of our leadership is so needed, in ways big and small, I wish you strength and courage so each of us can do what we do best.

Our manifesto of new leadership:

+ May we be in integrity as we move into this era of waking up even more. + May we get really clear.

+ May we thrive in our strengths.

+ May we cultivate peace and power within and without.

+ May we celebrate diversity and multiplicity.

+ May we be mindful and embrace a growth mindset.

+ May we be participatory and democratic, innovative and strategic.

+ May we do everything we can.

+ May we take risks that allow us to grow.

By becoming the leaders that we are, we will create the change we want to see.

We have no time to waste!

The school I’m creating - Bliss Well Institute - studies, teaches and supports leadership for wellness and human potential. We are studying, teaching and creating the new leaders of tomorrow.

We know we need a new way of learning and leading in order to reframe what is happening now, to create a different future path.

In order to do this, we would LOVE to hear your feedback.

Our goal is to meet the needs of our global and local community as we create and improve our content. We're listening to you as we redefine the way we live, learn, lead and experience wellness.

As a sister and comrade, I would love to hear from you. Please take 3 minutes to fill out this quick survey and let us know your thoughts. You will get a Free 3 Day Mini-Course as a gift for your time. We can’t wait to hear from you! Thank you.

Susanna Barkataki, M.Ed. E-YRT 500, is founder of Bliss Well Institute. She studies, teaches and supports leadership for wellness and human potential.

She is a board member of Yoga Service Council, member of the Yoga and Body Image Coalition Team and a viral Wellness blogger. You can learn more about her at www.SusannaBarkataki.com

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