Angela Alsobrooks

The county executive beat liquor store magnate David Trone, putting her a step closer to becoming the first Black woman elected to the Senate from Maryland.
A former U.S. Capitol police officer tries to overcome a wave of pro-Israel spending, while Republicans in West Virginia decide just how far right they want to go.
Rep. David Trone, a liquor store magnate, is breaking the bank to beat Angela Alsobrooks, who would be Maryland's first Black female senator.
Two dozen local elected officials are calling out Trone for describing some people who support county executive Angela Alsobrooks as 'low-level' in a TV interview.
Fight Corporate Monopolies is hitting Rep. David Trone, a Senate candidate, and advertising in support of Rep. Mary Peltola (D-Alaska).
Frost, the youngest member of the U.S. House, is the latest high-profile Democrat to get behind Alsobrooks in Maryland's Senate primary.