
Ali Eteraz

short story writer and memoirist

Ali Eteraz grew up in the Caribbean, South Asia, and the American South. His debut short story collection, FALSIPEDIES AND FIBSIENNES, is due out in September 2014 (Guernica Editions). His stories have appeared in storySouth, Chicago Quarterly Review, Akashic Books, Crossborder, and Forge Journal, among others.

Eteraz is the author of the critically acclaimed darkly comic memoir CHILDREN OF DUST: A Portrait of a Muslim as a Young Man (HarperCollins, 2009). It was selected as a New Statesman Book of the Year and was featured on PBS with Tavis Smiley, NPR with Terry Gross, C-SPAN2, and numerous international outlets. The book was called “compelling” by the Washington Post, and O: The Oprah Magazine, chose it for its Fall Reading List. It was also listed among the 2009 Books of the Year by New Statesman and has been translated into Italian. In 2010, Children of Dust won a Nautilus Book Award, and received Honorable Mention at the San Francisco Book Festival. In 2011, The Australian called the book "an ambitious and accomplished work of literature."

Eteraz is an inhabitant of the San Francisco Writer's Grotto where he is at work on his next project.