
Gina Sampaio

I'm my computer tech husband's worst client but I'm pretty good at writing, acting, crafting, cooking and occasional rabble rousing.

Gina Sampaio began acting publicly at age four and keeping a journal at age fourteen. By forty she figured out how to combine those two passions and began performing with the Meta Social Justice Theatre Company and blogging under the name Sister Serendip. She shares stories about her adventures with her super fun family, navigating an open transracial adoption and the lifelong journey of surviving sexual assault. She was a member of the 2014 Listen To Your Mother show. Her writing has appeared on the Huffington Post, xoJane and Scary Mommy. In spite of never having a really good idea about what to be when she grew up, this is exactly somehow what she always wanted to be.

Gina lives in rural New Jersey (itโ€™s really a thing) with her husband and five kids and she genuinely likes them all. She considers herself to be the luckiest person she knows.

Follow her at: on Facebook at or Sister_Serendip on Twitter.