12 Examples of How Bernie Sanders Is Far More Progressive Than Hillary Clinton

1. Sanders has supported gay rights since the early '80s. Clinton has not. 2. Sanders wants to end the prohibition of marijuana. Clinton does not. 3. Sanders wants to end the death penalty. Clinton does not.
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1. Sanders has supported gay rights since the early '80s. Clinton has not.

2. Sanders wants to end the prohibition of marijuana. Clinton does not.

3. Sanders wants to end the death penalty. Clinton does not.

4. Sanders wants to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour. Clinton does not.

5. Sanders wants to break up the biggest banks. Clinton does not.

6. Sanders voted against the Wall Street bailout. Clinton did not.

7. Sanders refuses to accept money from super PACs. Clinton does not.

8. Sanders supports a single-payer healthcare system. Clinton does not.

9. Sanders considers climate change our nation's biggest threat. Clinton does not.

10. Sanders opposed the Keystone XL Pipeline since day one. Clinton did not.

11. Sanders voted against the Patriot Act. Clinton did not.

12. Sanders voted against the war in Iraq. Clinton did not.

* The author of this post is running a Kickstarter campaign to fund an entire series of animated rap videos about Bernie Sanders and the 2016 election.

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