Colorado Creating World's First Fossil Fuel-Free Community

Colorado Creating World's First Fossil Fuel-Free Community

Hybrid cars are neat. Cutting back on energy is pretty cool.

But what about cutting out fossil fuels entirely in your living space? It's not an easy thing to do, because of infrastructure, unless you're part of a whole community doing it.

So EcoGeek has found a planned community that will do just that. It's calling itself the first fossil-fuel-free community in the world. Not quite true, but it's probably the first one in a while in North America:

The latest trend in the green movement - other than EVs - seems to be greenhousing communities. Considering everyone needs a place to live, this is a perfect focus for injecting green technology into daily living. Arvada, Colorado is all over this concept, going farther than solar roofing, or LEED certification goals. They're setting up a community that will completely eliminate the use of fossil fuels.

Called Geos, the 25-acre area will have 250 homes from smaller 850 square feet to mansion-sized 3,500+ square feet placed in four neighborhoods. While that's a whole lot of houses, they'll be keeping a whopping 40% of the area as green space.


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