'Grown Ups 2' Trailer: Adam Sandler, Chris Rock, Kevin James, David Spade & A Peeing Deer


"Grown Ups" is the second-highest grossing film on Adam Sandler's resume, so it goes to reason that "Grown Ups 2" was a forgone conclusion. Or maybe not: This is the first sequel Sandler has done in his lengthy career, making him one of the few A-list stars who has been able to survive with an array of original content and not franchises. (The argument, of course, is that Sandler is a franchise himself. Discuss.)

Still, the existence of "Grown Ups 2" feels obvious. So, too, do cameo appearances from Shaquille O'Neil (as a cop, of course), Taylor Lautner (as a bro, of course) and "Saturday Night Live" cast members and alumni like Andy Samberg, Will Forte, Bobby Moynihan, Taran Killam, Jorma Taccone and Akiva Schaffer. The biggest surprise, then, in this first "Grown Ups 2" trailer? Departed "SNL" cast member Paul Brittain, who left the show during the middle of the 37th season in 2012. Look, there he is on the right:

grown ups 2

Hey, Paul! Otherwise, it's more of the same for Sandler and pals Chris Rock, Kevin James and David Spade. The quartet move back to their hometown and deal with teenagers, suburban ennui and deer pee (in a moment that recalls "War Horse"). Fans can get chocolate wasted when "Grown Ups 2" arrives in theaters on July 12. Watch the trailer above.

Adam Sandler Comedies

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