How Wishing for Abundance Prevents a Life of Freedom

How Wishing for Abundance Prevents a Life of Freedom
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Do you ever find yourself wishing you had more? More of your favorite things, time, knowledge, resources, money? All of those things that represent freedom. Raise your hand.

Now, let me ask you another question, have ever found yourself focusing on how expensive things are, how you never have enough time to read your favorite book or go on that much needed vacation, or you're not one of the lucky ones? Raise your hand.

And yet, aren't these two types of thoughts canceling each other out? On the one hand, you desire to have a life that is full with an ever-flowing supply of wealth, time and resources. And on the other hand, there is this subconscious guilt you have about bringing in the dough and giving yourself the time and space you need to explore and do what you desire.

I promise, you are not the only one. I'm raising my hand right along side with you!

Given that we are pulled in two directions- one of dreaming about a possible life that could be and the other about a life that should be- we find ourselves stuck, and thus the freedom we are seeking isn't happening. And, perhaps without even realizing it, we are sabotaging our chances for freedom.

We wait for abundance to come so we can be free.

It's like, we believe that if we feel bad enough, the Universe will have pity on us and we'll get what we want.

Not only does this belief prevent you from bringing in the abundance you seek, it keeps you even more locked in and caged.

Not too long ago, when I was meditating, something dawned on me. We are already free beings. It is our choice to stay limited. At the time, I had been focusing so much on growing my business that I gave myself little room for exploration. Without realizing it, I had prevented myself from freedom and really growing abundantly. I had been focusing so much on that old adage of "When I make more money, then I'll be free to do more." That I was actually blocking myself from freedom both in my business and my life.

The moment I had that realization and made that mindset switch, my life not only felt more abundant, I could actually see more abundance in my work and everyday life.

The Universe isn't judgemental. It won't grant your wishes when you are seeking pity. The Universe IS freedom and it will grant you freedom when you choose to be free and make it your reality.

When we align ourselves with that vibration on a daily basis through our thoughts and our actions, we are attracting what we want.

So let's make a new adage:

Abundance is created through freedom.

Abundance and freedom, we often see as something outside of ourselves. But, it isn't! When we shift our mindset and actually do things that make us feel free, we can dramatically shift our reality and create abundance. And it doesn't have to start when timing is perfect, because let's be real, there's never a "perfect time".

So how can you start today, setting your rules for freedom and opening up to the abundance that life has to offer? Start with these 5 rules of thumb:

1. Be open to receiving support, opportunities and gifts (even asking) to create freedom in your day, freedom in your energy and abundance to flow in. When you block yourself from receiving freedom, you're blocking yourself from abundance.

2. Go from dreaming to becoming. Dreaming is only part of what makes freedom a reality. Staying in dreamland makes you feel safe because then if you don't take action, then you can't "fail." When you take inspired and intentional actions, you complete the puzzle. Thoughts become things when you do something like being open to receive from others and you take some risks.

3. Say hello to your little friends. A.K.A. your thoughts and beliefs. Humans can have up to 70,000 thoughts per day with a great percentage of that repeated from the day before. When you tell yourself, "I can't afford that Venti Caramel Macchiato from Starbucks today", then this is what becomes your life and reality. Become friendly with your thoughts by observing them without judgement. Bring them to the light. When you do, you let the thoughts exist, but not take control. You've just freed yourself from your thoughts, which creates a reality of freedom, which allows you to be open to more opportunities of abundance.

4. Start Small. Receive Big. There are so many ways that you may be preventing yourself from living freely. You don't have to start with a year-long trip around the world in first class. What if you did treat yourself that Starbucks drink? What if you did step away from your desk and took a walk by the lake? When you make a habit of doing things that make you feel free, you are not only shifting your mindset and beliefs through inspired action, you are actually in the presence of abundance.

5. Celebrate everything. What we focus on we create more of. How often do you focus on all of the things that have gone wrong, yet spend little time on your small wins (like a mindset shift)? Start putting your energy into celebration. When we focus on celebration, we create an attitude of gratitude, telling our inner critic and our subconscious mind that we are appreciating exactly where we are. And when we do that, it keeps us motivated, makes us feel good and stay in the flow of freedom and abundance in the long term.

And if you're ready to live your life of freedom at an even deeper level, head on over to my website and download the free audio training guide on creating your own, unique rules to live by.

It's time to make freedom your reality, don't you agree?

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