This Movie Theater PSA Is Inspiring Kids To Become Teachers

This Movie Theater PSA Is Inspiring Kids To Become Teachers

A public service announcement encouraging young people to become teachers has been playing in hundreds of movie theaters around the country in recognition of national teacher appreciation week May 4 to May 9.

The PSA, called #TEACHNow, has been playing in nearly 400 theaters as part of Participant Media's TEACH Campaign, which aims to stimulate great teaching.

“My goal with #TEACHNow is to visually illustrate that teaching is so important that it deserves its own recruitment piece featuring teachers as the heroic, life-changing, amazing people they are,” Lesley Chilcott, director of the ad, said in a press release. “We need to show our most talented youth that teaching is an incredible career choice.”

"We’re really trying to create an awareness that innovative passionate students should consider teaching," Lisa Zimble, director of the TEACH Campaign, told The Huffington Post.

Kids who went to the movies this week to see superhero shows like, "The Avengers: Age of Ultron," may have left inspired to become a different kind of superhero.

Watch the PSA above.

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