Netflix Suggests Porn Documentary 'Naked Ambition' For Child

Netflix Recommends Porn Documentary For Child

Well this is odd.

The Consumerist reports that a parent scanning Netflix for a family film discovered a documentary about pornography sandwiched in between two cartoons made for children.

The user, called "Dan," was searching "Feel Good Movies" for his young son when he came across "Naked Ambition: An R-Rated Look At The X-Rated Industry."

Dan wrote The Consumerist and said that the adult-themed film appeared in sequence after an animated "Rugrats" movie and before a Leap Frog animation called "Amazing Alphabet."

"Both [Rugrats and Leap Frog are] children's programming and age appropriate for our son. Unlike their [Netflix's] suggestion," Dan wrote.

A Netflix account generates personalized suggestions for content the user might like based on content he's already viewed or rated. However, if several people in the same house use a single Netflix account--or if you share your Netflix password with a friend--you may end up with some wacky suggestions.

Consumerist reader Southern shared the following comment: "Considering that you have to be 18 to have a NetFlix account, the movie wasn't 'recommended for his young son' - it was recommended for him (the parent)."

Another reader, Conformist138, wrote,

I get strange stuff like this all the time, especially since I break potential Tennessee law by sometimes letting other people use my account, which makes for odd film combos. My favorite was when someone at some point watched both Striptease and The Brady Bunch Movie. Netflix put them both under "Feel-Good Movies" and due to "my interest" in them, suggested stand-up comedian Jim Gaffigan's Beyond The Pale in the same category.

The Tennessee state legislature recently passed a bill that would ban online entertainment subscribers from sharing their account passwords with multiple users.

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