Politico Summer Style Statements: Who Wore The Trends Best? (PHOTOS, POLL)

Politico Summer Style Statements: Who Wore The Trends Best? (PHOTOS, POLL)

Labor Day marks the unofficial end of summer style, so to celebrate the season-that-was, we've rounded up our favorite politico fashion statements in a gigantic face-off slideshow. We're covering trends from aviator sunglasses to maxi dresses to strappy sandals as worn by Michelle Obama, Jill Biden, Hillary Clinton, France's Carla Bruni, Germany's Bettina Wulff, Monaco's Charlene Wittstock, Spain's Princess Letizia, Jordan's Queen Rania, England's Samantha Cameron, Denmark's Princess Mary, Cameroon's Chantal Biya and Russia's Svetlana Medvedeva. Get your sartorial thinking cap ready and tell us who wore it all best.

Aviators: Jill Biden

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