RIP Democracy

RIP Democracy
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It’s over.

Republicans have pulled off the biggest coup in American history. While the masses have been focused on the daily abuses of power (of which there have been many—no less than 20 per day), the GOP has taken over our judicial system, our media (right wingers have purchased the majority of local TV stations, national newspapers, dailies, weeklies, magazines, and radio stations), they’re about to completely control the internet...and as I’ve been saying for MONTHS–they’re coming for the Constitution.

All of the people SCREAMING, “WE’LL VOTE THEM OUT IN 2018” aren't paying close enough attention. No one is connecting the dots and looking ahead at the bigger picture. Instead, they continue to express their outrage about the multiple injustices making the daily headlines.

Democracy is dead.

Robert Mueller isn’t going to save us. In fact, no one’s going to save us. No one can save us. The damage is irreparable. And congressional Republicans have been in on the Russia takeover since the beginning. This has been YEARS in the making. [SPOILER ALERT: Newt Gingrich’s private dinner with Republicans the night of Obama’s inauguration in 2009.]

There are no coincidences. They’ve orchestrated every single detail—from blocking Obama’s judicial nominees, to spreading lies and propaganda (their voices are louder since they’ve mastered the art of the sound bite), their voter fraud accusations (and the subsequent “Voter Integrity Commission”)...and don’t even get me started on what they’ve managed to achieve on a state level. Sure they lie, cheat, and steal (otherwise they’d never win a single election in this country), but the Republicans are an organized bunch. And when push comes to shove, they always stick together—no matter what (unlike, say, someone like BERNIE SANDERS who’s proven to be nothing but an albatross around the neck of the Democratic Party). Though, I suppose that’s what happens when you conspire with a foreign power to interfere in an election and overthrow democracy with a few hundred of your closest friends—you stick to the plan [because prison and stuff].

Still, I can’t stop thinking about the debates...

Why a buzzer didn’t go off every time a candidate lied or made an erroneous statement is mind-boggling.

Why President Obama listened to Mitch McConnell and didn’t inform the American people about Russia’s meddling is completely outrageous and will forever haunt me.

Why networks chose to air an empty podium (and EVERY MINUTE of EVERY SINGLE Trump stump speech) in lieu of actual news is positively maddening. Kind of like how those same networks continue to allow pundits on their shows who spew opinions dressed as facts.

I’m angry.

And I’m so very tired of being angry. The rage I’ve had this entire year has been visceral. It’s affected my health, my day-to-day life, my everything.

Truth is, in 2018, Republicans will retain control of the house and the senate. We might have elections, but never again (at least not in my lifetime) will they ever be free and fair. By early 2019, women will lose the right to vote, abortion will be illegal, gay marriage will be outlawed... All per the new constitution—of The United States [of Old White Christian Men™].

Meanwhile, I’ve never witnessed such an out-of-touch group representing the “We” of the “We The People.” Donald Trump thinks health insurance costs $12 per year, Paul Ryan has no idea what the minimum wage in his home state of Wisconsin is, and Gary Cohen thinks you can remodel a kitchen OR BUY A NEW CAR with $1,000. (Also, riddle me this—how is it that every member of Congress is worth MILLIONS when they make just under $200k per year?)


The majority of Americans won’t have access to healthcare (and those who do will go broke if heaven forbid a medical issue arises [because to hell with regulation]), they won’t have any protections in the workplace [because corporations will “officially” have more rights than people], and most of the judges in this country will side with the rapists of women, the shooters of unarmed black men, and the perpetrators of hate crimes against gays and Muslims [because they’re second class citizens]. All the while, EVERY news outlet in the country will deliver talking points pre-approved and hand-selected by the minority. (You know, the GOP.)

It. Is. Over.

The system only works if there are checks and balances–and there are none.

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