Sarah Palin, R. Kelly Celebrated In Hypnotic Tribute Video

Sarah Palin, R. Kelly Celebrated In Hypnotic Tribute Video

Sweet sassy molassey! I am back from vacation, looking to get back into the swing of the whole blogging thing, and this is what was waiting for me. Via The Cajun Boy, at Gawker, here's the world's first tribute video to Sarah Palin set to the strains of noted underaged watersports enthusiast R. Kelly. It's better than you even imagine it to be, with clips of her straight up holding babies and talking about drive-thru milkshakes with Glenn Beck, and quipping on the stump during the 2008 campaign back in those halcyon days where John McCain's family and advisers didn't despise her personally and ruefully lament their decision to WIN THE NEWS CYCLE by putting her on the ticket.

The video, by the way, is not satire. It's an earnest demonstration of affection from Conservatives4Palin. Can Mitt Romney's fans do better? Let's hope they try!

But four and a half minutes, and not one mention of that awesome Alaska jet she sold on eBay? And none of her brilliant explications on the on-court role of the point guard? These are the only disappointments. As always, I'd like to thank Sarah Palin and her awesome ability to garner clicks, on the internet.


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