5 Steps to Spring Clean Your Diet

5 Steps to Spring Clean Your Diet
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Spring cleaning isn't just for your closets and cupboards—it’s also a great time to refresh your diet.

If winter’s comfort foods were harsh on your waistline, now’s a great time to toss the junk from your pantry and fridge in order to make room for fresh and nutritious springtime foods.

To get started, use these five tips from top registered dietitians to get back on track.

Tidy Your Kitchen

While you’re cleaning out closets, drawers and shelves throughout your home, be sure to de-clutter your kitchen as well. A study published in the journal Environment and Behavior reported that women who had disorganized kitchens ate more than twice the calories—and even gobbled up more sweets—compared to women in neater kitchens. The investigators believe that chaotic surroundings can cause anxiety, which tends to turn on the hunger switch.

Start by giving the pantry, refrigerator and freezer a once-over, and then either throw out or donate the foods that are sabotaging your diet. Lastly, organize the spaces by placing the healthiest items at eye-level. “Keep any binge-worthy foods out of sight and the only food that should be on your countertop is fresh fruits or veggies, which will encourage you to eat more of them,” says Katherine Brooking, MS, RD, co-founder of Appetite for Health

Eat Seafood, Not Steak

While most Americans consume way too much animal-based protein, nine out of ten Americans don’t meet the minimum recommendations for seafood in their diet. And, when it comes to living a longer, healthier life, a study published in JAMA, with nearly 100,00 adults, reported that participants who ate a primarily plant-based diet with fish — but no meat —lived longer than vegans who ate only plant-based foods. Research shows that fish-rich diets can help defend against heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity and other chronic conditions.

The 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend at least two seafood meals (a total of 8 ounces) per week for the beneficial DHA and EPA omega-3 fatty acids fish provides. Pregnant and breastfeeding women need even more — 3 servings a week—to obtain enough essential omega-3s to promote healthy brain and eye development. In order to meet my weekly seafood quota, I enjoy a salmon burger, fish tacos, spinach-stuffed sole, or other seafood-based meals several times a week.

Squeeze in More Veggies

And here’s another startling statistic: Nearly nine out ten Americans don’t eat enough vegetables, according to research from the National Cancer Institute. Since veggies are calorie-poor and nutrient-rich, they should be the foundation of your diet. Start your day off with a healthy kick by adding at least one member from this powerhouse food group into a breakfast smoothie, advises Jennifer McDaniel, a registered dietitian and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Here’s her on-the-go recipe: “Put 2 cups of spinach, 1/2 banana, 1/2 cup blueberries, 1 Tbsp. ground flaxseed, and 1 Tbsp. nut butter in freezer bags,” she says. “In the a.m., I place the frozen smoothie pack into a blender and add milk, and within seconds, I have a smoothie that has three servings of produce.” Another option: Eat an egg-based breakfast twice a week (frittata, anyone?) and add your favorite veggies into the frying pan.

Lick Your Sweet Tooth

If sugar is your diet’s Achilles heel, there are ways that you can appease your sweet tooth. But first, how much is too much? The American Heart Association recommends no more than six teaspoons (100 calories) of added sugar for women, nine teaspoons (150 calories) for men. (If you’re reading a food label and trying to calculate how much of the sweet stuff is in a food or beverage, four grams of sugar equals one teaspoon of sugar.)

Natural sugars that are present in fruits (including dried fruit), veggies and dairy foods do not need to be limited, so consider them guilt-free treats. Also, keep in mind that when you indulge makes a difference, as well. If you cave to your cravings for gummies, eat them after consuming either a protein, fat or fiber. Studies show that doing so can help delay and temper the release of sugar into your bloodstream, minimizing their negative impact on your health. (FYI: The same is true for when eating bread, pasta, and other carb-rich choices.)

Perfect Your Portions

Since portions of most foods are ginormous, it’s harder than ever to determine a healthy serving size. And as a result, we overeat and wonder why we can’t lose weight. “To stay on track, I keep my portion sizes in check by using measuring spoons and cups when serving myself,” says Marina Chaparro, MPH, RD, CDE, a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. With a renewed focus on your diet, make an effort to weigh and measure your food for the next seven to ten days.

Other easy tricks for minimizing portions: Instead of pouring oil or salad dressing straight from the bottle, use a tablespoon so you’re aware of how much you’re eating. Another great idea is to pile half your plate with fiber-rich veggies, which not only provide volume, but will help keep you feeling fuller longer on fewer calories. And yes, size does matter: Research shows that eating meals from smaller plates and bowls can actually help you eat fewer calories without feeling any less satisfied.