Alphonse D'Amato on Carl Paladino: 'Dangerous', 'Mean-Spirited' And Unfit For Office

This week's newly-minted Tea Party Prom King and Queen -- New York gubernatorial nominee Carl Paladino and Delaware Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell -- could not be more different.

This week's newly-minted Tea Party Prom King and Queen -- New York gubernatorial nominee Carl Paladino and Delaware Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell -- could not be more different. She's a hyper-chaste critic of sexual deviance who would not even tell a lie to Hitler, he's a foul-mouthed fan of bestiality porn. But they have at least one thing in common: prominent members of their own party who think each is unfit for office!

Previously, Tom Ross, the chairman of Delaware's state Republican party, averred that O'Donnell was "not a viable candidate for any office in the state of Delaware," adding "She could not be elected dog catcher." Sounding a similar alarm today is former Senator Alphonse D'Amato -- one of New York's best-known Republicans. Over at ThinkProgress, Faiz Shakir reports:

Paladino's radical, divisive, and disturbing record isn't setting well with one of New York's most famous Republicans -- former Sen. Alfonse D'Amato. "He is dangerous, at the least, he is mean spirited and he tries to divide people," D'Amato told WCBS 880′s Peter Haskell. Along with former New York City Mayor Ed Koch and former State Comptroller Carl McCall, D'Amato also signed his name to an open letter declaring Paladino unfit for office:

The victory of Carl Paladino in the Republican Primary was a disappointing day for all New Yorkers. This state has a long history of electing highly qualified, forward-looking statewide candidates -- both Democrats and Republicans. Yesterday, however, anger overcame reason and enabled a fringe element to choose the Republican nominee. The end result was the selection of Mr. Paladino, a divisive figure simply not fit to lead this great state.

In an interview with the New York Times today, Paladino makes it clear that he hates everybody! He hates Andrew Cuomo because of footage he's seen "on the newsreels" (apparently, Paladino gets his information from a 1940s movie theater). He hates Brooklyn and Manhattan because of the traffic. Democratic State Assembly speaker Sheldon Silver is a "dictator." And there's apparently some sort of "monster" that's been constructed out of "take-home vehicles" that's causing a "morale problem" in Albany.

But if there's one thing he loves, it's his campaign furry, Amber, who likes to dress up as a duck:

Amber is one of those very unassuming types, but once you put that duck outfit on her, she quacks like they've never quacked before. So a few weeks ago we sent her out to Wyoming County. And she's doing her quack quack thing. So finally Andrew gets really frustrated with them and asks one of his characters to go over and get rid of her.

So the guy goes over to Amber, and he doesn't know it's a woman in the suit, and he says, "Listen buster, you'd better get out of here and take your two girlfriends" -- he's referring to the two guys -- "take your two girlfriends with you, or I'm going to shove that sign down your throat." Well you know what Amber does? Quack quack quack quack quack quack quack. She went back in his face. Amber's a third-degree black belt.

I'm guessing that "yiffing" is one more thing Paladino enjoys that O'Donnell probably wouldn't be cool with.

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