An Open Letter to My Daughter

An Open Letter to My Daughter
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Dear Baby Espinosa,

I hope you read this one day...

The moment I learned about your existence my world changed for the better. The mere idea of your essence gave me a new found sense of hope, inspiration, and commitment. A hope for what the future will have in store because you are a part of it. An inspiration to work harder and smarter so that we can have a fruitful life together. And a commitment to be the best husband and father that I can possibly be for our family.

Your being has filled me with a happiness that I can’t quite pen with words, but please know that it penetrates the heart, mind, and soul thus giving my existence a new sense of purpose. Before I share my advice for your future, I must first tell you about your mother.

Your mother is simple, yet bold. She is the epitome of what it means to love unconditionally and be patient at the same time. She is the most beautiful and meticulously crafted form of life that I have ever encountered. She is kind and caring, powerful and unbreakable, charming and charismatic. She has made me a better man and has given me the greatest gift one can ask for, YOU. I have a responsibility to her as we embark on this new journey with you by our side.

My daughter, you will be unstoppable and a force to be reckoned with if you are anything like your mother (and hopefully a splash of me). I must tell you that the world we live in is not perfect, but beautifully flawed. Our family journey to this point has not been easy, so we must make the best of it and work harder than most. You are an Espinosa and with that comes great responsibility. Here are some pieces of advice as you begin your journey:

  • Be happy. Life is too short and very fragile.
  • Dream big and follow your passions whole heartedly.
  • Be confident and feel empowered in your beautiful skin.
  • Always demand respect.
  • Never let anyone tell you can’t do something.
  • Work hard, never give up, work hard again.
  • Sometimes people will not understand you, that is OK.
  • Travel the world, it is a magnificent sight.
  • Be kind and give back to others.
  • Don’t be afraid to make mistakes (I have made many), but make sure you learn from them.
  • Ask for help, you have more people in your corner than I had.
  • Life is an enigma, so it is OK if you don’t have the master plan right away.
  • and… always ask questions, be inquisitive, and rise to the challenges life will surely present.

I don’t know what the journey ahead has in store, but my love and dedication you have. I promise to provide for our family and to always put our family first. I will always be daddy and here to listen, advise, and challenge you to be better. If I do not hold you accountable, no one else will. Remember I will always have your best interest. I will never let you down and will be your best friend and confidant. You are powerful, you are strong, you were put on this Earth for a reason, now go and conquer the world!

I got you. I got us. I love us. Let’s have some fun…

Love Always,


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Just the three of us.