Andrew Cuomo For Vice President? 'Silliness', Says Cuomo

Cuomo: Vice Presidential Talk Is 'Silliness'

Andrew Cuomo's had a pretty good year, whether it was winning the gubernatorial race, narrowly defeating Jimmy McMillan by about 61 points, earning high marks from poll after poll, and winning the vote on gay marriage in the Senate. Following all of this there were whispers about his prospects for 2016, but what about 2012?

Over the weekend the Post's Fred Dicker (whom Carl Paladino once threatened to 'take out') claimed 'sources' said Cuomo would be Obama's next VP pick, pushing out Biden. "I don't think there's any doubt Obama is going to pick him as his running mate," said Former New York GOP boss William Powers. "The president is in trouble and [Vice President Joseph] Biden doesn't bring anything to his ticket."

Daily Intel was quick to point out that Dicker's sources didn't have any inside information about Vice Presidential picks. And today the idea was rebuffed by none other than Mr. Cuomo himself.

From Politico:

Speaking in the Buffalo suburb of Lancaster, Cuomo dismissed questions about a New York Post column on Monday that asserted President Barack Obama would replace Biden with Cuomo.

โ€œThatโ€™s just political chatter and silliness,โ€ the first-year governor said. โ€œWe want to stay focused on doing the good work with the people of the state.โ€

Which doesn't mean this 'chatter' will die down. Pundits love plopping Cuomo into hypothetical political offices for fun -- he's a civic Zelig for summer prognosticators. But Daily Intel shoots this one down nicely:

If Obama were to take the extraordinary step of replacing Biden, it probably wouldn't be with Cuomo, a New York governor who hails from a liberal dynasty and is known nationwide for his gay-rights advocacy โ€” not exactly the type of guy to win over swing-state middle America.

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